Chapter 13

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Author's note:

Word count: 2137

 I ate lowkey. Might need to change the publish time to 7 pmtbh


The first thing that came into mind after taking hold of Levi was shock. You may not have been able to see what was going on, considering how it was dark, and that he was laying on his side, but you could tell from your hand alone that he was big. Probably bigger compared to Eren...but that wasn't something you wanted to think about right now.

The grunts that came out of Levi were coarse, coming out as if he were trying desperately to hold them back. But the vibration of his spine and the occasional jerk of his head was enough of a giveaway that he was enjoying it.

Your entire hand was wrapped around his girth, the veins begin to pulsate and the warmth of his body rising. You closed your eyes, taking in his fresh scent as the strokes you took echoed throughout the room.

"Y/N" Levi whispered, raising a hand to your elbow. You paused, allowing him to turn his head from where he layed on the pillow.

The look in his gaze was intoxicating. Lust filled his eyes, and each breath he took came out haggard. As you waited for him to continue, he shifted the rest of his body flat on the bed, letting you see the rest of him that was hidden in the shadows.

"Can you kiss me?"

You stared at the man before you. He voice was laced with need and desperation, like he wanted nothing more than to have you whole. Your chest began to feel tight, and your mind began to race.

You hoisted yourself upward, swinging a leg over him and bending forward so you could hover over him. He raised both hands to your face, cupping you the same way you had done in the hallway. Closing your eyes, you complied to his request.

His lips practically engulfed yours without pause. Though his body was hot and still pleading for your touch, he kissed you as if he were hesitant, not even attempting to use his tongue.

You brought a hand back down to his cock, quickly discovering that his entire tip was wet with precum. You tightened your palm, teasing him as you rubbed him over in a circular motion. As if on cue, Levi unlatched his face from yours, moaning against your face with his head jerking slightly backward.

How cute.

Pulling yourself up, you tried your best not to flinch with the pressure going into your knees. You quickly untied the knot in your sweats, tugging them off and letting them fall off the bed. Levi's eyes glossed over the act, showing that he was growing excited all over again just from seeing you up close like this.

Scooting backward, you allowed your weight to fall on top of him. His length remained stiff between your legs, only the thin material of your underwear keeping you two separated.

"F-fuck," Levi let out, reaching a hand forward. Though he was aiming for your leg, you instead took hold of his arm, guiding it under your shirt and towards your breast.

Teasing him was oddly entertaining, and seeing his reaction every time you did something bold was only arousing you further.

The calloused insides of Levi's hand felt warm and inviting, hungrily squeezing against you.

A Second Chance (Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now