Chapter 12

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The thick and hazy atmosphere of Levi’s bathroom wasn’t all that comforting, but it was a safe bet compared to what was waiting behind his door. The man only stood there silently, arms gripping the edge of his sink as he examined the condensation building up on his mirror.

-It had taken a lot out of Levi to get you into the bathroom, having to instruct you to shower and then change into clothes he had left on the counter. Though you insisted you were too tired, that he should just stay and help, he would have been a fool to blindly accept.

When you finally managed to come out, your hair was damp and your face was still puffy, as if you had cried once more in the comfort of his shower. Regardless, you still sat there silently, allowing him to rewrap your knees without complaint.

He watched you shiver from where you sat, arms folded and his shirt laying too large against your body. You didn’t waste a second to snatch the blanket he held out for you, either.

“Are you getting in?” you had asked, beginning to unravel the material and swinging the rest of your body into the bed. The look on your face when doing so, it was clear to him that you wanted him to. But after the tussle in the hallway, however, he couldn’t agree…just yet.

The lump in Levi’s throat hardened. Letting out a sigh, he looked down at the bulge still sitting in his pants. It was a pain having to ignore it this whole time. Having to ignore your request at laying down and instead finding refuge in the bathroom.

The scent of his body wash still lingered in the air. Your wet footprints, your wrinkled clothing lying on the floor… as odd as it was, the scene was only stirring him up inside even more. And he knew he had to take care of it before stepping back out there, to where you would be waiting for him.
Levi sucked in another breath, forcing his eyes shut as he lifted his hands off of the sink and letting them wander. While his left pushed down the waistband of his sweats, the right snuck deeper, resting over his crotch.

It’s been a while since he had last masturbated. The night of the frat party was the last, if he remembers correctly. How could he not though? The fruity taste of your lipgloss, the sweet scent of your perfume…the way you kissed him back… it was something he couldn’t get out of his mind. And now, here you were, tempting him again to act so… vulgar.

“Fuck,” he let out in a near whisper, unable to stop the memory from repeating itself.
As he rubbed over his shaft, feeling his veins pulsate with every stroke, all he could do was force his lips shut. He didn’t know if you were asleep yet, and he didn’t want to find out the hard way.

His mind wandered back to the hallway. How you held his face and kissed him without a second thought. The warmth of your body on top of him, the tight feeling in his pants forming right afterward. For your sake, he had been suppressing it all this time, but tonight has once again tested his limits.

A low groan escaped Levi’s lips. Bringing a hand back onto the sink, he opened his eyes and stared into the mirror. Water droplets continued to fall, revealing the desperate sight playing out. His face wrinkled at the sight, but he continued to rub anyway.

“Y/N” he whispered. A name he never dared to say aloud before, at least while touching himself like this. It felt dirty and deceptive to let his lust consume him like this, but right now, he didn’t care. He was a man, after all. And he was alone.

His hand moved faster, eyes glossed over the sight before him. His body felt hot and his arm continued to move on its own.

“I don’t want to think right now, Levi”

It was a painful sight, having to hear those words leave your lips. He didn’t realize you were struggling this much because of Eren. And the reminder was all but jarring right now.

What had come over you? What drove you to act so recklessly, so unlike your usual composed self? He couldn’t shake the sudden remembrance, and now he was left with a lingering sense of uncertainty.
Levi’s hand paused, allowing a long, drawn-out silence to fill the bathroom. He only stared at his reflection in silence before slipping his hand back out from his waistband.

He washed his hands and threw water on his face, hoping to calm himself down before stepping out. The veins bulging from his arms and the stiffness of his pants would be a dead giveaway once he returns. He prayed the room was dark enough for him to slip through, and he prayed you were already asleep.

Stepping into the bedroom, Levi’s gaze fell onto your sleeping form, mostly hidden beneath the array of blankets he had gathered. He took a moment to appreciate your peaceful state, seeing your chest rise and fall slowly. Your makeup had been wiped off some time ago, likely in the shower, and all that remained was a solemn expression. At least his pillows wouldn’t be stained.

Levi raised the side of the blanket, careful to slip under the covers without making too much noise. Turning to his side, he let out a small huff before raising his eyes to the window.

The snow was rushing down now, already beginning to pile at the edges of the glass. The moon was hazy, glowing fiercely despite the clouds attempting to conceal it. It was a beautiful yet confusing sight that left Levi uneasy.

He closed his eyes, hoping to find comfort in his dreams or at least forget about the severity of their situation.

But tranquility was short-lived. He felt the mattress dip closer to him, warmth finding itself against his back. His eyes opened once more, and his body only tensed up once he felt your arms tangle over the sides of his stomach. He could only lay there frozen, feeling your lips brush against the nape of his neck.

Shivers were sent down his spine as you cleared your throat, confirming your presence right behind him. The string of words you let out in a near whisper shattered any hope of a restful night, and Levi’s heart quickened.

“I heard everything in there.”

Levi's eyes widened, a rush of adrenaline flooding his veins as he struggled to maintain his composure. "You're drunk, Y/N," he replied, his voice strained. "I think you're just hearing things."

But your next question shattered his feeble attempt at denial.

"Did you finish?"

Dread coiled in the pit of his stomach as he sucked in a sharp breath, feeling your hand trailing down his body, exposing the truth he had hoped to conceal. When your hand landed over his crotch, he knew there was no point in denying it anymore.

"You were thinking of me in there, weren't you?" you continued, your words hanging heavy in the air.

“I was.”

Your hands then slipped under his waistband, tracing your fingers against his shaft. Your lips brushed against the ends of his hair, a soft breath escaping your lips as you tighten your hand around him.

Levi raised a hand to his face, muffling the moan that escaped out of his mouth. His body grew hotter and his chest tightened, and right now he was conflicted with both doubt and temptation.

"Y/N," he murmured, his voice strained with uncertainty. "We can't do this. You're with Eren, and I... I shouldn’t."

But your touch only grew bolder, your fingers tracing patterns on his skin that sent jolts of electricity through his body. "I don't care about Eren right now," you confessed, your voice trembling with urgency. "I just want to help you, Levi. You've done so much for me, at least let me do this.”

Levi's heart clenched at your words, torn between the desire to push you away and the overwhelming need to give in to the intoxicating pull of your touch. He knew he should stop you, to remind you of the consequences of your actions, but the feeling of your hands on his skin was too enticing to resist.

"I've been trying to hold back," Levi confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "But it's getting harder every day.”

Your hands continued to move, rubbing him over in the same manner he was not too long ago. He knitted his brows and could only groan. With your chest still pressed against his back, you only pressed another kiss against his hair.

“Then don't,” you replied. Levi could feel your smile forming, and with a sigh, he closed his eyes.

Maybe… you were right.

A Second Chance (Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now