Care to join my crew, Kaeya Ragnvindr?

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I walked to the tree at Windrise, it was the Symbol of Mondsdadt's Hero. Vanessa, the Lionfang knight and the first grandmaster of the Knights of Favonius. I was searching for Venti so that I could find answers to my brother's situation

I saw him talking to the Traveler, should I listen in? No.. He would know. The wind would tell him immediately, maybe I should just give them some space until they're done talking.

Unlucky for me, Venti saw me and motioned me to come closer. 

"Well then Kaeya, I suppose you have questions too?"

Too, Huh... The traveler must have asked him some questions about his missing sibling.

"Yes, Venti. I do."

Venti smiled and said,

"Well then. Fire away."

I had multiple questions flooding my mind,

What did you mean by that story that day? It was about Khaenria'h wasn't it?

If you knew about Diluc, why didn't you tell me sooner?

Why didn't you help me Barbatos? When I begged for your help..

Why did you let your favorite (my brother) die? Why couldn't I take his place instead..

Why didn't you save him?

But the most important question of all,

"Barbatos, did I truly curse my brother?"

 Venti was silent, he had a solemn expression on his face.

"I'm afraid so, Kaeya..."

My realization was spot on, as usual. A genius at seeing the bad coming... 

Damn it.

"Venti. How can I free him from this? I don't want him to stay cursed forever."

Venti gave me a thoughtful grin. I guess he has information or some sort of an idea. I still can't tell.

"Well~ I don't have a clue! Maybe that old blockhead would know."

Old Blockhead? I wonder who he meant...

"Kaeya, I recommend you join the traveler on his trip to Liyue! The geo archon would know much more than me~ He is the oldest of all the archons!"

"But be quick! If the descension ritual you fail to tally, then another year you must dally."

I was thankful for the information and the suggestions he gave me. I bid my farewells and left for the winery deep in thought.

Can I leave Adeline and Elzer alone with the winery? Wouldn't that be too much of a burden for them?

What should I do... I can't leave them nor can I miss the opportunity to save Diluc.

Should I just implement the same system I will use for the Knights of the Favonius?

But first I need their opinions... This might be longer than I thought.

. .

Alright, it went quite surprisingly well. They didn't have much objection even before I explained the reason why... Although Addie was a bit worried about me. 

They even told me that I didn't need to come back to help with the work, but I declined that suggestion since I would come back to help the Knights with their work and I wouldn't be able to survive without seeing Addie for a long time.

I should ask Diluc too since he's stuck with me.

"Diluc? Are you there...?"

A shadowy figure appeared, it was Diluc! Normally he would just whisper in my head but at least he's here physically.

"Diluc, would you like to go on a journey with me?"

"All around Teyvat."

Diluc seemed excited and nodded his head happily. The purple streak in his hair has spread, I don't know if I should be worried about this... But I can guess that it must be a side-effect of him using the abyssal energy in fights.

"Traveler! Could I get a moment of your time?"

He looked at me slightly confused as he was holding a plate of sweet madames. Paimon was floating behind him eyeing the food.

Paimon saw that the Traveler stopped and then saw me, she said.

"Aww. Paimon was about to eat this delicious sweet madame... "

I couldn't help but chuckle at her pouty expression,

"Sorry about that Paimon. I just needed to ask something from the Traveler."

I turned at him feeling oddly nervous. What was I even nervous about? Being rejected? I don't know..

"Well then all mighty Traveler, may I join you and your trusty sidekick Paimon in your wonderful escapades?"


Done! Finally! I hope ya'll have a great day tho.

Pls vote or comment, its lonely.

Author out

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