I'm setting sail on a sea of possibilities

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"Ah... It seems that I may have to cut this conversation short. Please forgive me, Traveler. I must leave to complete some pending work in the Winery."

After I said that, I left the Traveler alone and walked to the winery. It was another long walk there, where are the horses when we need them?

Speaking of horses, I haven't seen them in a long time... The last time I saw them was when Diluc and Crepus died... 

Am I even needed in Mondsdadt anymore? Minus the paperwork, I'm pretty much free from work. But I also have to command the knights right? I am their commander... And the other commanders aren't the best at their work. 

How long will it take to walk to the Winery, I suppose that it won't take as long as that last trip from Starsnatch Cliff. The city is much closer to reach there than the cliff.

Doing two jobs is quite tiring, I wonder if that's how Grandmaster Jean feels. I must be at the tip of the iceberg, I have yet to discover all there is to do with wine-making and being a commander.

. .

It's been a few days since I last saw the Traveler. Maybe I should visit him? He is going to leave Mondsdadt soon, better do it now than never.


I was walking around the city hoping to bump into him so that I could say goodbye before he left.

I saw him and Venti on the ground near the Cathedral unconscious. Was it the Fatui? I can feel traces of cryo on the ground around them. 

I better take them to Barbara first before asking any sort of questions. How do I carry two people in one go... Maybe one in the back and the other in the front. 

That was a mistake, Venti and the Traveler were much heavier than I thought. But at least they both were taken to the infirmary, and she said they would be fine. 

I was waiting for them to wake up, I saw Venti was awake but he quickly left after telling me and Barbara where he went in a coded message.

Soon after that, the Traveler woke up. He seemed confused.

Barbara smiled and exclaimed,

"Ah! Honorary Knight, you're awake!"

He looked bewildered and a bit out of it. he asked,

"What planet... are we on?"

Planet? What does he mean by that...?

Paimon cut him off by saying,

"Ah! Don't listen to his nonsense, Miss Barbara!"

Barbara just looked confused as well but just ignored that,

" Ahh... Um, okay, well basically, I found you lying outside the Cathedral, unconscious, and used my elemental powers to heal you..."

Paimon looked at the Traveler and muttered,

"Paimon thinks you could still use a final splash of ice-cold water to the face."

I heard that and I asked,

"Uh.. I can cool the water to make it ice cold...? Do you want it Paimon?


After a while, the Traveler asked another question.

"Venti... Is he alright?"

Barbara nodded and said,

"That bard awakened first, but strangely, my healing powers had almost no effect on him... This is the first time I've encountered such a patient. But he just said 'it's completely normal,' and then got up and left the Cathedral..."

Paimon looked surprised,

"He left? Already? Where'd he go?"

Barbara answered her question with a,

"The Symbol of Mondsdadt's hero, that's what he said."

"I wanted to stop him, but Jean— I mean, Master Jean and Captain Kaeya said to let him leave. How strange."

I looked at him, checking if he understood what Jean and I meant.

His expression said it all, he did understand what he meant.


The Traveler left in a hurry. I decided to leave them be, soon after the Traveler left I was walking around the city with a thought in my head.

Can I leave Mondsdadt to learn more about Diluc's curse...? The archons may know more..


What happened when Kaeya was waiting for Traveler to wake up.

Jean- I can see that you want to learn more about Diluc's curse... Leave Kaeya.

Kaeya- Huh? Leave. What do you mean by that-?

Jean- I know you wouldn't leave by your own accord to learn more about his curse, so as the acting grandmaster. I relieve you of your duties.

Kaeya- But, Jean- 

Jean- No buts.

Kaeya- Jean... I cant let you deal with the work by yourself. You'll die from exhaustion. Can't we find a middle ground for this?

Kaeya- How about this, I'l leave but I'll come back routinely. Does that sound fine for you?

Jean- You're too stubborn for your own good Kaeya. Fine, that arrangement could work.


Yeah- After this, it's an interlude or filler!! 

Sorry for the short chapter but I hope you enjoyed it!!

Today Kazuha came home ya know! Im overjoyed.

BTW, I intentionally made the title half-complete. Guess the next lines lol and I'll give a shoutout

Thats all for today! 

Author out

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