13) Jealousy, Jealousy

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Walker's p.o.v:
The smell of lavender slapped me in the face. "Leena, I told you we don't need candles. Why does it smell like someone threw a bomb of perfume in here?" I say, slightly annoyed. "It's not a big deal, whatever. My friends are in my room if you want to hang out in there," she replies. "I can't even imagine what it smells like in there, but okay," I say. She smiles and looks over to Brady. "Xochitl is here," she says while heading upstairs. "Uh, what?" Brady says, flushed. I remove my jacket and head upstairs with the rest of the guys, but my eyes widen when I find Y/n, Momona, and Dior all talking with each other. "What's up, Mo?" Charlie says, dapping her. "Walker!" Momona exclaims as she walks over to hug me. "Nice seeing you here. I didn't think you'd visit for a while," I say, hugging her back and smiling, but still surprised that Y/n was here. What is Leena doing? I know I wanted her here, but I hadn't really thought it through. "You know Y/n, right?" Momona asks while sitting back down next to her. I clear my throat. "Yeah," I say, "She's such a sweetheart. She's my new best friend," she says while hugging her. "Aww, that's really sweet, Momo," Y/n replies, smiling back at her. I was the only person who called Momona 'Momo' as a nickname. I felt my hands start to sweat. My eyes darted around the room, avoiding eye contact with everyone.

I noticed Brady and Y/n talking, and strangely, he had also ignored Xochitl. Maybe he didn't actually have a crush on her? Dior looks over at me. "Lotion?" she asks, smiling with a bottle in her hand. "No, she knows my hands get sweaty and gross when I'm nervous," I think to myself, frustrated. Why does everyone know? Am I making it that obvious? "Uh, I'm okay," I say, while nervously chuckling. Well, Momona doesn't know, nor do Xochitl, Charlie, Brady, or Connor. That's kind of good, right? I think Leah doesn't know either, but the more I think about it, she probably does. "Okay, well, Leena, I'm done being in your room. No offense, but I don't think I'm getting enough oxygen in here. If you need any of us, just call us down," I say, hoping to leave her room. "You're so boring, but fine, I guess. Go play Fortnite or whatever," she says while talking to McKenna. Aryan says goodbye to McKenna, and Charlie and Dior definitely didn't have any problems leaving each other.

So, I waved goodbye and speed-walked to my room. Still shaken, Leena had lectured me about leaving Y/n alone because I didn't need a girlfriend after my breakup, and now suddenly she's here. What? Brady and Connor look at each other because they notice I'm stressing out a bit. "Bro, why are you stressing?" Connor asks. "I'm just hot," I lie. I hear Aryan laugh a little, and I glare at him. "Aryan, you for sure know. Why else would you be laughing your ass off?" Brady adds. "I'm not laughing my ass off!" Aryan retorts, knowing I'll be angry at him. "Why so defensive?" Charlie asks. "It's not even about Walker. I just thought of something funny," Aryan shrugs. "False information!" Connor calls out. "What are you thinking of then?" Brady asks. "Guys—" I start, but stop in my tracks when I see the hoodie that I gave to Y/n on my bed. Quickly, I take it and hang it up before turning back to the guys. "Damn, Walker, who are you giving your hoodie to?" Brady asks. Well, this is embarrassing. "Uh," I manage to get out. "Wait—" Charlie says, piecing it together. Aryan looks at him and shakes his head. "Okay then," Charlie replies. Oh no. "Can we just not bring this up? It's mad annoying," I say, fed up with the situation. At this point, it wouldn't even matter if I asked her out because the number of people knowing that I like her is already humiliating.

At least I know how Brady feels about him and Xochitl. After a while, the topic finally dropped, and we talked about other things. However, I realized Brady was gone. "Wait, where the fuck is Brady?" I say, laughing, confused. "Damn, I didn't even realize he was gone," Charlie says. "You guys stay here. I'm going to go look for him," I say, getting up. I figured he might be talking to Xochitl, so I went to Leena's room, only to find him talking to Y/n. Whatever he said to her was funny... because she was laughing at him while playfully hitting him. Meanwhile, Xoch was in the corner. I paused for a second, thinking about what I would say. I didn't want to say the wrong thing because I was so pissed. Is he really that funny? What's so funny, anyway? "Brady? Why'd you randomly leave? I mean, like, when did you leave? because no one even noticed you slipping out of the room." I rephrased my question. "It doesn't matter. Okay? I'm coming. Bye, Y/n," Brady smiled at her. I felt my blood boil. I walked with him back to my room with my hands crossed, not having anything to say to him. After I opened the door, we both sat down silently.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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