Chapter 35: Abandoned Humanity

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Inka watched as Akikta let out a scream of victory, scaring the salmonids and sending them packing.

Finally, after a long, struggling battle, they had won. Sal, Sake, or whatever he wanted to be called—was dead. The sight was a cause for celebration, which is exactly what everyone did.

The idols of Deep Cut threw their hands in the air and cheered loudly. Even the usually chill Shiver was freaking out with excitement.

Pearl and Marina were hugging it out, same as Callie and Marie, though Marie was sobbing profusely. Inka assumed those were tears of joy.

It took a moment for everyone to settle down before Marina finally lowered the flying stage to the arena floor. They were immediately greeted by the other agents, who were still basking in their celebratory phase.

Inka swore this was the first time she had seen Eight give such a big, genuine smile. Like Marie, she was almost brought to tears, but managed to hold them in, albeit barely.

"I thought we were screwed!" Metta cried, tears flowing down her face as she held Misaki, who was also crying. Unlike Marie, their tears appeared to be more relieved rather than joyous. They must've really thought they weren't going to win.

Inka couldn't blame them. For a second there, she also thought they were goners.

Coral was the only one who didn't give a big reaction to their victory. Even then, it was hard to mistake that small smile on her face.

"We did it." A voice came from behind Inka, patting her back. It was Nakji, giving her a happy grin.

Inka smiled. "Y-yeah... we did." She turned from the others to see Akikta, who was a short distance away.

Inka and Nakji walked over to him, seeing he was on his knees right next to the top half of Sal's corpse. Even though he was dead, he still gave Inka the creeps. She did her best to ignore him and just focused on Akikta.

"You did it, Aki!" Nakji congratulated. "You killed the lord of the salmonids! Just like you said you would." Akikta didn't respond, instead opting to stare blankly ahead.

"Y-you freed Rick and Ricky's people from his tyranny. That basically makes you a hero now!" Inka added with a bright smile.

Again, Akikta said nothing in response to their words. Nakji and Inka looked at each other, a slight tinge of worry in both their eyes.

Nakji turned back to Akikta. "Aren't you happy, Aki?"

Akikta quietly stood up, still not uttering any words.

Even with his back to them, Inka couldn't help but feel that something was terribly wrong. "A-Aki?"

Finally, Akikta turned around, causing their faces to pale.

Inka should've known something was off when Akikta's body was still covered in... ink muscles? That's the best way she could describe his skin. It was unsettling. However, what frightened her the most were the two white glowing dots in the hollow sockets of his mask.

"O-oh no..." Inka gasped, remembering what happened the last time Akikta's eyes were like that.

Akikta puffed out his chest and screeched at Inka and Nakji. They covered their ears from his shriek, but Inka could still hear it clear as day. It sounded just like Akikta, but much more... distorted.

After screaming at them, Akikta reached out to grab Inka. She and Nakji backed away in response.

"A-Aki! Stop!" Nakji demanded, fear prevalent in her tone.

By now, the others had noticed what was happening and gathered around.

"Are you kidding me?! It's happening again!" Metta shouted, earning Akikta's attention as his head snapped in her direction, making her flinch. He walked towards her, prompting Metta to fire a few shots from her bow. The shots didn't faze him at all, and he continued slow-walking to her.

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