Chapter 11: Mechamasu

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Rick wasn't lying when he said the Command Station was practically vacant. From the moment the four snuck in, Akikta hadn't heard or seen a single enemy. Not that he had a problem with the lack of salmonids. In fact, he preferred it.

The Command Station's lights barely functioned, so he'd rather not fight anyone if he can help it.

Akikta followed closely behind Frye while Rick and Eight led the way. He noticed some missing panels on the ceilings and walls as they walked through the mechanized halls. Those would be places he'd expect a defense system of some kind to be stationed, like turrets or security droids. Actually, why didn't Sal utilize those? Atlantis clearly had the technology for it.

Sure, the place was in disrepair. But Akikta found it hard to believe the defenses were non-functional, considering everything else seemed to be. There was the possibility Atlantis had no defense systems, similar to Alterna in its golden era. Though, even if other areas of Atlantis had none, a place such as the Command Station definitely had to.

If that's true, how come Sal hadn't used such defenses on them yet? Did he simply not know how, or was he waiting to get the jump on them? Or maybe the defenses were only triggered by unauthorized presences? No, that wouldn't make sense. The system would've turned on the salmonids occupying it long before Akikta came into the picture... right?

The more Akikta thought about it, the more his paranoia grew. At any moment, there was a chance a turret or droid of some kind would pop out of nowhere and end the four of them right where they stood. Akikta held himself as his anxiety worsened.

"Right here," Rick called out suddenly, making Akikta jump.

The group stopped in front of a closed metal door; on the side was a panel. "This is where I last saw them move those strange devices." Rick pointed. "Strange though. The door was always left open."

Eight attempted to open the door, but it didn't budge. "Great, how do we get in?" asked the octoling. Rick replied with a shrug.

Akikta looked over at the lit panel, realizing the text displayed was in English. "It's asking for a code," he pointed out, causing the two to look at the screen.

"Do you have it?" Eight questioned, looking to the salmonid.

Rick shook his head. "I do not."

Akikta looked at the metal door, blocking them off from weapons of possible unimaginable power. The hinges looked worn down and rusted, which didn't spell out anything good for whatever was on the other side. Regardless, it did give him an idea. "The door looks in rough shape. Maybe we can just yank it open?"

Eight examined the door, tugging on its handle with minimal effort. It budged slightly. She turned to Frye. "Help me pull." Frye came to Eight's side. Both gripped the handle while Rick and Akikta stayed back and watched.

Eight counted down, and when she reached zero, Akikta nearly let out an audible "whoa" at how quickly her and Frye's arms bulged. He'd been under the impression that inklings and octolings were nothing but ink. And yet, as they pulled, their arms showed more muscle mass than Akikta thought possible for them. He desperately hoped this was just an agent thing.

After a minute of strained pulling, muffled groans, and gritting teeth, the metal door flew off its hinges into the wall behind them. It clanged loudly upon hitting the wall and floor, echoing down the halls. If there were anyone here, they definitely heard that.

"Quickly, before any guards arrive!" Rick ushered everyone into the now-open room.

The room was no better lit than the halls, but the minimal light gifted him a jarring sight. Weapons of varying shapes and sizes littered the ground. Some resembled rifles or grenades; others were completely alien to Akikta. "You sure these are human weapons, Rick?"

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