Chapter 4

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Mitch's POV

I'm so sorry, Jerome, I think. I don't want you to die. I'm rushing towards Community 12 on a black horse, So now I'm here. There's some sort of stage. I can make out a fluffy brown creature with an executioner standing above him. The entire community is watching them. When I get there, I see the executioner... and his eyes are white.

"HEROBRINE!" I shout. The entire crowd turns to look at me. "YOU'RE A LIAR!" Herobrine drops his axe which was just about to fall on Jerome's neck. "STOP YOR JOKES, MAGGOT!" screams Herobrine at me. "THIS BACCA MUST DIE!" he shouts at me. "Mitch?!" exclaims Jerome. "You came!" I shoot a flame arrow at Herobrine's head. Jerome runs over to me. I toss him his axe and we shoot and slice through the crowd. We climb on top of a house and shout at the top of our lungs, "WE ARE REBELS! WE ARE MEROME!"

Jerome and I hop onto my horse. We get back to the T.R.O.L.L base, and everyone applauds for us. I whisper Herobrine's secret into Ashley's ear. "Rebels of the T.R.O.L.L brother and sisterhood!" shouts Ashley. "Our weapon, Herobrine, has betrayed this family!" Boos emerge from the mob of rebels. "Now I hereby promote BajanCanadian to raid leader of Swarm A!" Everyone cheers my name, and Jerome hugs me. "I still care about you, Mitch," he says. "I do too," I say.

That night in my dorm, I lay down on my bed and say, "Life is good when you're defying rules and raiding communities." Maybe at first I was thinking wrong about the rebellion. Maybe they're the ones that mean the best for me. "Hey Mitch," a familiar voice cackles. "Remember me?"


"HELP!" I scream through a gag, kicking and tugging at the restraints holding me down. "There's no use at fighting those, Mitchell. They're indestructible. They're from the prisoner mod. "DON'T CALL ME THAT!" I shout. Well actually that's what I'm meaning to say. It comes out more like this. "Dmf all e at!" NOBODY uses mods against me. "Ur Eoine! I shout.

Translation: You're Herobrine!

I can't reach for my bow. Somehow it's disappeared out out of my inventory. How can I kill this guy now? "So, Mitchell, I'm predicting that you think Jerome is coming to find you after you've foiled my plans of starting to kill T.R.O.L.L," says Herobrine. I nod my head. "Well too bad!" Herobrine sneers and presses a button. Up pops a bedrock cage with an unconscious bacca in it. A pool of lave opens up under him. "In a press of a button, your fluffy bacca friend will be burned to a crisp," Herobrine says. "And I am going to need you to answer some questions."

Herobrine takes off the gag and I spit. "JEROME!" I shout. But the poor guy doesn't wake up. "Why are you doing this to me?" I beg, still hopelessly attempting to free myself. Herobrine ignores me. Instead, he starts asking questions. "Why did you join the T.R.O.L.L rebellion?" he asks. "My home was destroyed by T.R.O.L.L, they captured me, and now i'm on their side."

"Do you have any other friends besides Jerome?"


"What was your community role?"


"Would you be willing to die for Jerome?" I think for a second. "No," I grin. "Okay then," Herobrine says and he holds down the button. Jerome's cage is lowered towards the lava, and I scream, "WAIT! NO! I WOULD! I WOULD! I WOULD! I'D DO ANYTHING FOR JEROME!"

"Endermen, free Jerome. "Skeletons, kill Mitchell tomorrow," says Herobrine. They untie me, grab my arms, and throw me into a bedrock room. I start sobbing since I know my fate. Luckily Jerome is safe. So is Ashley and the other rebels. Suddenly, there's a huge BOOM! Then there's a huge crater in Herobrine's lair. The T.R.O.L.L is here! "You fools!" laughs Herobrine. "All of you are so easy to trick." Out of the crowd, Ashley's voice shouts, "What the Nether do you mean?!" "I have you all right where I need you to be, sneers the white-eyed menace. "WITCHES!" shouts Herobrine. I watch in horror as a group of about three hundred witches throw splash potions of weakness at the rebels. All of them black out. "NO!" I shout as they fall to the ground. Witches crowd into my room then splash... the... potion... on...


"Ow," I groan. I wake up with a terrible ache in my back. Then I see what's going on. This can not be good at all.

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