Chapter 3

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In the mess hall, Jerome brings his fish with him and sits next to me. "Hi, Mitch! Wanna talk about fish?" squeals the bacca. He only made it to Swarm Q. I mumble random words and move somewhere else. As I walk away, Jerome is asking, "No fish? I get that. It's more of a bacca thing. You like Betties, right? I like them too! Come back, Mitch!" Jerome's voice is drowned out by the crowds of rebels. I hate doing this to an innocent bacca, but it's for my own good. I cry a little bit at my table, but then the tears evaporate into the air. Don't let a silly bacca get in your way. You haven't even become a part of him with or without the puppy-eyes and bacca ship.

I look over to where Jerome is sitting. He's so confused. I bet he's wondering if he said something wrong. If he did something wrong. But it's not his fault.


For the next few days I ignore Jerome. For the next few days the guilt builds up inside of me. Today Jerome's inner TNT has been lit. Then he explodes. "WHY ARE YOU AVOIDING ME, MITCH?! WHY ARE YOU SHUTTING ME OUT? WHERE ARE YOU WHEN I NEED YOU?! DO YOU EVEN LIKE ME ANYMORE?!" Blocky tears slip out of my eyes and I cry, "I just don't know anymore!" I lock myself in my dorm, isolated and depressed. The communities in the World have been destroyed. Ashes lay on the ground of the ruins of the once bright and lively place. My home.

The moments replay in my head. Jerome's jet-black eyes stare and cut into my soul, trying to pull out the truth. Wanting to make it all better and destroy the wall of guilt separating us. In the wooden chest beside my bed, I pull out lots of cake and start munching away.

Herobrine comes by and sees me eating all that cake. "Don't judge me, I'm depressed," I mumble. "I know how to make you feel better," he says. "Get rid of whatever is making you sad. Get it out of your head."

"That sounds like a good idea," I agree, "but how do we get rid of- wait. NO! I'll never do that!" I shout. "You're getting the plan," says Herobrine. "How could anyone ever do that, you MONSTER?!" I shriek.

"Call me anything, Mitchell. Anything you want. It won't hurt me. But Mitch, to get rid of your depression... you have to kill Jerome."


My bow is ready in my hand, Ready to kill what made me a depressed being. Ready to kill who stayed by my side for years. If death had words to say, it would be screaming Jerome's name. There's Jerome, sitting on his bed. He can't see me since I have an invisibility potion, but I can see him. He's sitting in his dorm, Q5 on his bed. As I ready and notch an arrow, Jerome starts to wonder aloud. "Does Mitch even like me anymore? He keeps avoiding me. I... I still care about him." I lower my bow when Jerome says the last few words. Jerome still cares.

I run back to my dorm. I can't kill Jerome. In the speaker, I hear "Swarm Q to Community 12." Be safe, Jerome.

2 days later...

"Mitch! Mitch!" screams Ashley. "What is it?! Tell me!" I yell. "I have terrible news, " Ashley says and starts to cry. "Jerome was with swarm Q, and the people... they... they..." Ashley stammers, "CAPTURED HIM! Poor bacca... some people think Jerome is going to be executed at sunset." "Don't worry, Ashley. I'll rescue him."

Jerome's POV

In here, it's ten times worse than my dorm at the rebel base. People in diamond armor and swords guard the door. There's not even a bed to sleep in. They're going to kill me. 10 seconds until sunset remain. 10 seconds of life left. 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... the guards unlock the door and grab my arms. "Jerome ASF, you are sentenced to death for rebellion against Community 12." I sigh and I'm dragged out of my cell. They drag me onto a stand and kick me in the back of my legs, forcing onto my knees. There's a guy in a black smock with a hood draped over his face. I stare into his white eyes. I gasp. The executioner is the Apocalypse Destroyer.

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