Chapter 9: Somethings Not Quite Right

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Hunt Forest 

Location: Unknown

In the end I don't give him any of the mushrooms, I just don't know exactly what it will do to him and who knows what's on it. I just don't have any way to clean it. I'm emotionally tapped out right now, and as low as I want his pain to be, I don't have all the facts.

With that thought I get up off the floor and throw the mushroom out of the cave, Isaac's still sitting by E and the picture pulls me back out of my medical indifference and tears quickly fall from my eyes. I sat next to him, laying my head on his shoulder finally letting myself rest after a stressful couple of hours. While I know he's gonna be fine it's hard to trust because all I can see is him in pain on the cave floor.

I close my eyes and focus on taking long calming breaths as I try to slow my heart down. I don't know if it's the concussion, mental exhaustion, or physical fatigue that does me in, but I fall asleep pretty quickly.


Who the fuck is making so much god damn noise?! I sit up from where I was laying on Isaac's body and notice something's not quite right.

"Hey, Isaac? Hey, wake up, something isn't right." I push on his shoulder until he starts to get up. He rubs his eyes and takes a deep breath only to start coughing. At first I thought it's dust but that doesn't explain the smell. It's kinda like a campfire.

A campfire.


We didn't have a fire going last night.

If it's not our fire where's the smoke coming from?!



"Are you sure it's safe to move him?" asked J.

"Well we can't very well leave him here with a fire blazing towards us." I'm trying not to be mean; but my head hurts, my body is sore, and I can't put up with stupid questions right now.

"We'll just have to be careful with him and make sure not to mess with his wounds" Isaac said, thankfully taking over the situation.I give him a thankful look as I try to gather my thoughts. We rush out of the cave but it's hard to tell exactly where the fire is coming from.

"Everyone, quiet. Listen." My head still hurts, concentrating sure as hell doesn't help, but for just a second I stop.

It's kinda muted but if you stop and listen you can hear the horn that marks the end of the hunt, it must be coming from the clearing we started in.

"It's coming from that way!" J points out and we slowly work our way towards it, trying not to trip.

Isaac holds Eli, worry never once leaving his gaze as we work our way out of the forest. We walk for a long time, the horn blows every 10 minutes or so and we seem to be closer as it gets louder.

Eventually the trees start to then out, I try not to think about Eli's wounds. I need to stitch them up but I don't have any supplies and then there's infections to worry about. And my head hurts, concentrating is hard and trying not to trip again is taking up most of my energy.

"Look, through there. They're people!" Said J, pointing slightly to the left.

When we got out of the clearing things were weird, and not in a good way. Normally you see small groups of humans crying and mourning or hugging in relief.

Then there are the wolves, those with wolves as mates. They are all smiles and happiness as they rush off to celebrate. Then you have those with human mates, there are 3 types of human mates.

Happy to be out of poverty and willing to give it a chance.

Those that are terrified of the wolf and often just stand there stiff as their mate hounds them.

Those who HATE wolves and will not be taken willingly, they fight tooth and nail. Trying to run away even if it won't logically get them anywhere.

But as I look around the clearing I don't see any claimed humans, normally they are all huddled close to the buses as the wolves are eager to take them home. The "mate bus" as we call it, is the beginning of the end for claimed humans. The moment they step on that bus they start their new lives as a mated pair.


Not a single claimed human insight, there were instead hundreds of guards. All dressed in their royal blue uniforms, snarling at humans as they entered the clearing.

"What's going on?" I said to no one particular as we crossed the last of the trees into the clearing.

Two of the guards spotted us and quickly headed our way. J and Isaac set Eli down, his non-hurt shoulder leaning against one of the trees we just passed. Isaac then stepped in front of us to intercept the coming guards.

Keeping his eyes cast down he said "Can I help you, sir?"

The first guard merely sneered down his nose at him, ignoring his question completely.

"Name." The second guard said as he stepped in line with his partner.

"Clarke, Isaac." He responded keeping his tone firm but respectful.

"And what sector are you from?" The guard first followed up.

"Human Sector 12."

The guards' eyes scanned over us before glazing, reminding me once more of their 'superior' skills.

"I assume your companions are also from Sector 12?" while phrased as a question it came out more as a sneered statement.

Isaac only nodded his head in agreement, but after kept his eyes downcast. To help keep the peace, we already had one injured, no need to add another to the list.

I was already going to be swamped with work when I get back: I always am after the hunt. Too many injuries, not enough doctors. Not enough medicine. Too much death.

The month following this blood bath was always the worst: swamped with work and death. Even though the school will be closed, those first two weeks it is brutal.

But that is a worry for tomorrow because somethings not quite right with today.



What do you think of the story so far? What do you think happened to cause guards? Is Eli going to be okay? Let me know what you think in the comments!

Thanks so much for taking the time to read my work, it means a lot to me. I love all of you and hope you have a great rest of your day/night. (Don't forget to sleep)

Don't forget to vote, comment, and share it means a lot. Thanks.

Thanks again for your support and love. <3

Word Count: 1,096

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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