Chapter 3: Curfew Bear

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Small rundown log-cabin

District: 1

Human sector: 12

Tomorrow is the blood sport, and for once, a Wednesday is going by fast. Too fast. At this rate, tomorrow is going to bring the blood sport onto me before I have a chance to put my defenses up. The hunt, (called the blood sport by humans because of how much death follows, whether because of blood loss or mate claim, either way, when one happens you are equally as dead to the people), is always on the 3rd Thursday of April, I'm not completely sure why but most people think that it's because the assumed "mating season" is sometime between May-July. But again, that is all speculation so we don't know for sure, only that it has always been on that Thursday. And nothing is going to change that anytime soon. For fucks sake the war didn't even stop it! Then again humans weren't forced into the hunt back then, but that's beside the point and we shouldn't dwell in the past.

The final bell rang about ten minutes ago and I know I should be heading home but I really want another minute without the warning hounding that inevitably comes with the hunt being tomorrow. There is just something about being in the quiet classroom that brings me back to my college day when I was sure I was going to be a Doctor. I was so sure of my future, even when the wolves came I still held onto that confidence, but it wasn't long before I watched that dream and many others go down the drain when the wolves outlawed higher education for humans. Honestly, I'm quite lucky to have such a stable job as it is, many of my old neighbors don't hold that luxury.

Before they took over I would never have considered being a 5th grade teacher, nor it a stable and lucky profession; but I guess times change and people change as well. Not that we had a choice in the matter but whatever. As I gather the last of my things I try my best not to let my mind wander, neither to the future nor the past. Focusing on the present is the only way to survive in this fucked up world. The walk home is nothing short of muscle memory, I spent the majority of the walk trying not to notice all the hunt preparations. I couldn't walk 20 feet without seeing some bull shit sign about the generosity of the wolves and how being a mate to one is an honor unseen in human ways. It was extremely frustrating to see, thankfully as I got farther away from the city most of the signs were torn up or covered in what looked like ash. Not like we could afford spray paint.

I gave up counting the signs after I hit 57 and I still wasn't even close to through the walk.

"Excuse me! What are you doing out at this hour!?"

The voice from behind me caught me off guard. I hadn't heard any footsteps, deciding to play it safe I stopped walking and slowly turned to face the wolf-person that stopped me. Guided by the sun in the sky I'd say it was still before- SEVEN!? That's two hours before curfew!

"Um, I'm sorry sir I am on my way home... is there something I can do for you?"

FUCK the hunt curfew! I completely forgot! They move the curfew up to 6:45 on the day before the hunt so they can finish all the set up. STUPID! STUPID! no wonder I didn't run into anyone on the way back, I hope to god this guy's in a good mood because of the upcoming hunt.

"I'm going to have to search you, but if I don't find anything I will let you go, in good spirits of the upcoming hunt. But if I catch you out here after curfew again I will have to detain you. Okay?"


"Yes Sir. Thank you for your kindness and I wish you the best of luck in the hunt tomorrow"

He simply nodded his head in acknowledgement before starting his search, first he went through my bag, then my pockets, before finishing with a pat-down. Knowing I didn't have anything incriminating on me I wasn't worried in the slightest. Besides, they can smell fear. He finished just as quickly as he started and I was allowed to go after, I was warned of the consequences of being caught again.

When I walked through the front door of our house I could not keep the smile off my face at the picture in front of me. The boys were piled on top of my husband attempting to dislodge him from the small stuffed panda bear that he clung too. It was a rather adorable sight. Three large males fighting over a small roughed up stuffed panda bear. While Isaac had clear hold of the bear the boys were doing a good job working together to pin down the rest of his limbs.

Dropping my stuff to the floor I jumped in on the pile up.

"Here to help me, baby?"


Distracting him with a kiss I reach down and pull the bear from his grip and jump up taking off up the stairs.

"Mine now, suckers!"

A chorus of "Get her!" and "Traitor!" followed me up the stairs and into the hallway as I ran as fast as I could in the small space. Apparently not fast enough though because too soon I was tackled and a tickle war broke out.


"Okay, now on to a more serious topic we need to eat dinner then mandatory family meeting. We have got to be as prepared as we can be for tomorrow."

Dinner was a quiet affair like most years but something seemed off, more sober. It feels like there is more to lose this year, now that's a scary thought. Knowing that everything you love could be ripped away from you without a moment's notice. Or one of the people who you had held so close not an hour ago could be bleeding their life out without your knowledge.

The blood games have always brought fear, pain, and death among the people, but my family had been lucky these last few years and we haven't had to face the losses that other families had. But this year feels different, almost like our good luck has finally run out. I hope to god that's only a feeling. Before long we finish up the food and sit in silence waiting for Isaac to speak.

With his military background, as a family we look to him for instructions when we prepare for things like the hunt. His time abroad has taught us many things and was one of the many reasons we have gotten out of the last few hunt's with minor injuries. While most of what he says will be repeated, one thing that changes every year is the location. Because of where he works the presumed location is leaked to him. This helps us to prepare even though he's not always right. Learned that lesson the hard way didn't we. This year is no different.

"We're going to the Ice-Tops babes!"

Even though what he said was playful there was no humor in his voice and his face was straight.



Thanks so much for taking the time to read my work, it means a lot to me. I love all of you and hope you have a great rest of your day/night. (Don't forget to sleep)

Don't forget to vote, comment, and share it means a lot. Thanks.

Word count: 1,270

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