Chapter 2: Luxuries

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Small rundown log-cabin

District: 1  

 Human sector: 12

By the time I got home my legs were nearly dead, and I had tears streaking down my cheeks. Throwing the door open I sank to the floor.

In... Out... In... Out... In... Out...


In... Out... In... Out... In... Out...

"Baby, are you okay...? What's going on?"

Isaac had come over and sat on the floor next to me after he closed the door. My mind was running a mile a minute. This was not the first time something like this has happened, but this time it felt more real. I truly feel that he would have had his way with me had I not gotten out of there as fast as I did. That terrified me more than I would have liked to admit. I don't know how I'm going to tell Isaac.

I'm not sure I want to tell him.

He's always been a bit protective, but ever since the takeover it's only gotten worse. I will admit that it's probably saved not only my life, but the lives of our family. I don't want to scare him by telling him what happened but how do I explain my sudden breakdown? Plus he's already worried enough with the blood hunt coming up. I really don't want to put more stress on his shoulders. And the wolf was probably lying about coming back tomorrow anyway.

The shiver that wrecked my body following the thought was nearly impossible to hide. And from the way concern flashed in Isaac's eyes, I'd say I didn't do a very good job of hiding it. I need to get a hold of myself, this isn't like me. Coming home and breaking down. I'm not some miserable crybaby. I am strong. I am a doctor. I am a teacher. I am a human. I face adversity every day. I need to be strong for the family, the boys should be getting home soon and I don't need them to see me like this.

"I-I'm okay, I just needed a minute."

"Are you sure? It's okay to not be okay sometimes."

"I know."

"Do you wanna talk about it"



"Take your time, I'm here when you're ready."

I don't think I'll ever be ready, but I guess that's the world we live in now.

"I guess it's just the blood hunt coming up."

"Are you sure that's it? I know you. It's weird for you to break down over this."

He's not wrong.

"Well, um you're right. There is more."

"Remember you don't have to tell me if you are uncomfortable with it. I understand and will not hold it against you. Okay?"


A breath of relief washed over me as my husband pulled me closer. Once again reminding me why I married him. At these moments I don't know what I would do if I didn't have him.

Small rundown elementary school, middle of human sector 11

The absolute relief I felt when I made it through the entire day without seeing Mr. Wolf was unparalleled. The thought of him washed away the moment I heard one of my co-workers talking about the hunt. My muscles immediately re-tensed and my thoughts stopped.

"-erd. Yeah it's crazy, but I think I'm ready. I really hope I get chosen. I would love to escape this poverty stricken place and never again have to question if I can afford my next meal or if my landlord is going to decide to kick me out."

"I get that but I'm still really nervous, even if I do get picked I heard the wolves are really possessive because they see us as so weak."

"So what? A small price to pay for the luxury of good food and a stable life."

"I don't know, May... It seems like more than a small price, you and I both know it's more than just holding hands in public and nightly cuddles. You know mates are expected to carry their freak wolf children, and they are never just content with having one."

"Whatever you say, Fab, I still think we are both better off as one of their stupid mates then stuck here for the rest of our lives, but I guess to each their own."

It was kind of weird listening into their conversion, but really, they should be more careful about what they say in public. I do understand where they're coming from though, the blood hunt is only two days away and nerves are already high as it is.

While most people don't agree with what the wolves have done there are plenty who are more than willing to jump right in with them if it meant getting their old luxuries back. Regardless of what they have to give up to do so. I guess I can understand on some level, but I just can't imagine being friendly with their kind; let alone carrying the child of one. Then again I guess some people are really desperate. And sometimes I forget that my family is pretty well off in the sense that we have a house and are still together.

With that in mind the walk home felt extremely short. The boys are already home, it's that or a herd of rhinos are running through the house with how loud the house seems.

"What's got you all so riled up?"

"Eli got the job!"

"That's great, Eli! Congrats!"

"Hey, baby. How was your day?" Isaac says before dropping a kiss on my lips.

I love how the first thing he does when he greets me is ask how I'm doing then showing his affection for me. It reminds me that even in the end of the world we will never change, and our love will forever grow.

"It was pretty good, what about you?"

"Even better now that you're here."

"Aww, I love you too."

"Let get you inside, can't have people thinking I would keep my wife outside in the cold"

"Isaac, it's literally 75 degrees outside, I'm fine."

"I know I just love you so much and I want you to know that even if Thursday goes all wrong I will still love you and nothing can change that."

"Hey- don't get all doom and gloom on me now, I thought we were going to go inside and celebrate Eli's new job!"

"Alright, alright."


"SCOUNDREL! I'll show you scandalous!"

Instead of listening to my demands, my stupid captor simply charged into the house, a howling laughter followed us into the cabin.



Thanks so much for taking the time to read my work, it means a lot to me. I love all of you and hope you have a great rest of your day/night. (Don't forget to sleep)

Have a great holiday break and be sure to enjoy the time with family and friends!!!

Don't forget to vote, comment, and share it means a lot. Thanks.

Word count: 1,130

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