Chapter 1

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Mitch's POV

Picture a place. A place that makes you want to smile. Add some of your favorite celebrities or maybe a huge cake made just for you. Do you have that image? Great. So now you have your happy place. Now imagine these rebels... about 30 of them destroying that happy world of yours. That's exactly what's happening somewhere where you probably aren't. In a place called Minecraft.

In Minecraft, there are people. Cubic, blocky, low-resolution people. But then there are also monsters. Cubic, blocky, low-resolution monsters. And the only thing they know how to do is wreck and kill.

Everyone in Minecraft is assigned a role in their community. There's miners, builders, hunters, you get the idea, right? But there's an organization of rebels called the T.R.O.L.L. It stands for Terrain Rebels of Lagged Lands. It's made up of the worst people ever. There's... well... the trolls, then there's the griefers, hackers, you name it. They try to destroy the community as well as the people who live in it. There's a rumor going around that there's an evil being joining their alliance. The citizens know him as "The Apocalypse Destroyer." He's known to send lightning down from the snap of a finger. He's known to kill...

Nobody knows his name. It's as if he's a ghost just watching over everyone in the World. Soon he'll possess us all... There are some people who say he's now meant to be here; he's a glitch. Some say he's a demon from the Nether that sends people down there to burn. Others say he's a ghost. Notch's dead brother. But I  just don't know what to believe. Since I was assigned the job "Hunter" by the village, some of the greatest pressured are put down on me. I only have one friend. His name is Jerome. He's a bacca. And he is in love with his Betty. He was given the job "Fighter." He fights against people who try to destroy the community. Let's just say that it's not a good time for Jerome and me. We have an entire village counting on us to stop the rebellion. I think we're going to fail this time for once.

Ashley's POV

When I was a little girl, my parents would yell at and abuse me if I wasn't perfect. That was all they wanted. Perfection. They expected me to accomplish great things when I grew up, but all they ever did was destroy me. I got so sick of taking their crap that I took out my sword, took the plunge of fate, then started a rebellion to destroy the World.

I recently recruited Herobrine, T.R.O.L.L's secret weapon. He can do almost anything. He can hack, grief, and troll... he can kill. With Herobrine, I look back at all the other rebels. Fighting for their names on the map while surviving in this dirty underground base. They're fighters. How many more Minecraft minutes until we launch the attack for Community 1?" I ask the general. "T-minus ten seconds until we send out T.R.O.L.L swarm W. It's made up of about 50 rebels, but they're amateurs and beginners. Is that okay, Commander in Chief?" asks the general. "That's fine. Send them out. Our time has run out anyway."

The next thing I know, the pack of rebels are blowing up houses, killing all the citizens, and leaving the close village in ruins. All of them must die. "Should I send Swarm G to Community 23? They're mediocre, but the community is weak," says the general. " He came to the rebellion alone without a name, so we call him Steven. "It all sounds good to me," I confirm. All of them must die. "How about Swarm J to Community 12?" Steven asks. "It sounds great." All of them must die. Deep down I know this is all wrong, but an even deeper part of me says that T.R.O.L.L's rebellion's close victory is screaming my name. So I listen. All of them must die.

Mitch's POV

Luckily for Jerome and me, T.R.O.L.L hasn't conquered Community 15... my home. Our village doesn't stand a chance for the T.R.O.L.L's TNT and rebels. But we still have to fight. And we can't back down. Because this is real and we can't just pretend it's not happening. Jerome walks up to me and gives me those puppy eyes only baccas and tamed wolves can pull off. "Is T.R.O.L.L going to destroy community 15?" asks the innocent yet killer bacca. "No, of course not," I reply, but I don't know if I can believe myself. Our home... our world... is dangling by a thread and can be crushed to bits. The chaos of the rebellion will devour us all.

If the community stands vulnerable and T.R.O.L.L takes over us, there will be no hope left to count on.

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