Beginning of an Era

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The Saiyan Royal Castle was of a majestic, exquisite, fine taste that showed off the wealth while also simultaneously giving a clear glimpse of the power that the elites held. Always, it had been a sight of interest for largely the finest ever produced, serving as a shelter and living quarters. Not only did it house Vegeta IV, the son of King Vegeta III and Queen Vegeta and the Prince of Saiyans, next in line to succeed his father, but also a large number of elites.

As early as the Royal Castle was built by Vegeta I, a law was set in place largely limiting the lower class Saiyans who could visit the Castle, as the Royal Blood was far too busy with matters that they saw the matters pertaining to lower classes being of little importance.

What King Vegeta was witnessing now, however, was of seemingly great importance.

"Hello, King Vegeta. Let's talk."

Murmured gasps and hushed conversations traded around, as even Kohlrabi gave a critical look at his address of the king.

King Vegeta glowered, but did not raise his power yet. Yet. "And who am I speaking to that dares take away my time?"

"Well, the one who has a great deal of information that feels you and the rest of the Saiyan Army needs to know."

Hushed voices spoke again, before King Vegeta snarled at the Saiyan Army. "Silence!" Raising his ki ever so slightly to cause a storm of gust, it quelled the Army into silence.

The figure noticed it. Despite how much the many faults and his own blind self centered control over others, King Vegeta perhaps in the typical Saiyan standard of the time, not Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, or even the Universe 6 Saiyans, because they did not quantify as "typical" after Goku's clash with Frieza and at the current time, were nothing more than babies, earned his reputation as the strongest Saiyan. Even despite that other timeline Bardock achieving the legendary status of Super Saiyan, it was not until after his near death state did he receive that power up that all Saiyans, hybrids, and those with an ounce of Saiyan blood within them, that came after recovering, and being the only Saiyan left after the death of his timeline's Gine and others.

Speaking of which, was he even technically alive despite traveling to the past? Towa brought him to the past but he couldn't be considered alive then, could he?

He shook his head. Time travel, and by extension, timelines were such a hassle. No wonder the Supreme Kai of Time required that version of Trunks to form the Time Patrol to make sure the flow of time went as smoothly as possible for every single timeline. It was that version of Trunks, along with many other versions, who used their time machine to create radically different timelines with changes from each other. He had already seen far too many different versions of Goku and Vegeta, especially the main two that split off from Kid Buu's defeat: the ones who took the path of god, and the ones that took the path of their Saiyan roots, nevermind those other two who also worked for the Time Patrol, and various other versions of the Z fighters.

Regardless, of course that had been Zenkais.

Speaking relatively, too much Zenkais and an absurd amounts of higher level of transformations the Saiyans could achieve with just Super Saiyan after the battle of Namek muddled the waters of an average Saiyan, without speaking of the destruction of their homeworld dwindled the Saiyans down to only a handful of purebloods left.

Zamasu within Goku's body, or Goku Black as he referred to himself, was right. There were two reasons why the Saiyan warrior race was to be feared: Transformations and Zenkais.

Nevertheless, he digressed.

The only problem with King Vegeta it seemed, was his overwhelming arrogance that made him believe he was the strongest Saiyan, and the strongest in the cosmos. While that power did hold true if the entire Frieza Force did not come into play and speaking on the galaxy wide terms, it still made him blind to his own faults and allowed him to coast on that power in actual combat, instead of resolving to train to breach their limits as with his and Bardock's flesh and blood. Power did blind others.

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