A Stranger Arrives!

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Before anybody goes and mentions it, yes. Goku's birth date was retconned (at least in the manga) by Toriyama himself in the Dragon Ball Minus: Departure of the Fated Child. There's a video of it on Youtube by Dragon Book that chronicles and goes over the entire manga where Gine stated that Goku was in his incubation pod for three years when Bardock returns to Planet Vegeta. I'm using both the manga and anime, but the manga takes priority.


The Saiyan Hall, commonly touted by the race that frequented it, Main Hall, was the public area of attraction where Saiyans from high ranks to low ranks populated. It contained a variety of various interests and attractions. One was the Dining Hall, where Saiyans could frequent for a meal or a drink or to simply chat with those of their brethren for a short break. The other was the wide expansive space, or Arenas, where Saiyans could spar or combat with others. Attached to the arenas were devices utilized to detect one's power. These arenas were largely considered one of the more populated places due to the nature of Saiyans desire to enforce their power, and for reasons regarding combat, would allow those in the stands to witness those who were largely recognized in combat, placing bets on who would win. The third most considerable area of interest was the Main Bay, where scores of teams were given or assigned missions to conquest the planet or to scope out any planets to gather information on. This vicinity was run by high class Saiyans, assigning missions based on the rate of success or their overall power in the field of battle. The Medical Bay was used for Saiyans after an exhausting battle in the Arenas to recover in the medical capsules, where each individual pods were able to concoct a special healing liquid, built and provided by the Planet Trade Organization that provided many of their other technological advances on their planet, that allowed them to recover from minor to even fatal injuries. Depending on the severity of wounds in battle received were, it took upon hours to days, the healing liquid also providing an anesthetic to allow Saiyans to rest while their wounds were slowly being healed over by the machine.

In all, the Saiyan Hall was a grandiose spectacle of a building, a public area where the denizens of their kind could relax, chat, or even combat each other for sport. Even the building layout itself seemingly was designed to show the culture of the warrior race.

It was unsurprising that it was rife and filled with activity. Especially in the Dining Hall, where one activity was alive with such craze and excitement.

Fasha winced as the voices surrounding them became louder, the scores of cries and cheers deafening her as she watched Shugesh's muscles bulge, his meaty hand gripping the arm of fellow Saiyan, Chard. Their elbows digging deep into the table, cracks forming underneath the surface as their muscles on their arms became far more pronounced as their grips tightened and quivered in a show of strength as they attempted to push the other down.

It was just her, Borgos, and Shugesh. Tora had went off to get drinks. And Bardock, Gine, and Raditz was still due to arrive.

As her thoughts turned to their team leader, Fasha could not help but think of the memories of the past, where she herself had at first met Bardock and Gine. The planet mission to Dumbara, where she and Shugesh were assigned to, and Bardock, Tora, Borgos, and Gine, where the four of them were transferred over to the same mission on the planet.

She was only twenty at the time when she first met Bardock. Having been assigned as leader, she had been confident of herself for a variety of reasons, namely her own success at the prior planet, Vao, which she had successfully conquered by herself; a rarity amongst low and even high class Saiyans, as missions done by only a lone Saiyan was considered highly dangerous, and was the reason why Saiyans were often in pairs or in teams, as it merited a higher level of success and completion, where tasks could equally be split up amongst fellow Saiyans and wouldn't result in failure, allowing adaptability and versatility.

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