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When Rose went home, she was happy because she ended up borrowing that book about magical artifacts. She was very confused and overwhelmed thinking about the magical sorcerer Lena who had created the dress.

Rose wondered in contrast thinking with suspicion; what if the dress was dangerous. She wondered if the dress causing so much pleasure and happiness would cause her to feel the effects of sometime of drug which causes happiness and euphoria. Rose knew though that if she tried on the dress, it would help her mental health issues.

Rose went into the bathroom and tried on the dress. Rose then instantly went into a state of euphoria which made her so hyperactive that she wanted to show other people in her housing complex, her dress. It was as if wearing the dress caused her to enter a state of mania as if she had bipolar disorder. Rose frantically opened her bedroom door and showed Lindey her dress.

"Lola look how cool my dress is" Rose beamed.

"Wow...your dress looks lovely, Rose. I have never seen you where it."

"It is a pretty dress. I am going to show other people in the housing complex my dress." Rose grinned.

"That sounds like a good idea." Lindey smiled awkwardly. "I hope you have fun."

Rose looked at Lola straight in the eye for some sort of message of if she thought she was insane wearing the dress. Rose was very bad at reading facial expressions though so that was an issue. Rose hoped she was not being awkward.

Rose showed everyone else in the housing complex and Rose was becoming more euphoria. She was sharing lots of details about the dress and about how amazing life is because she bought the dress. She was jumping around and getting very excited. Rose had a feeling life would get better. She was very happy.

Rose went back to her room, and she tried on the dress. At night Rose had a plan to sneak out to the night club. When everyone was asleep, she decided to sneak out. 

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