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The next 2 weeks was the time to recover mentally but also recover the city and build everything after the cyclone. It was very hard work. Not all of the time was hit by the cyclone but in the suburb Rose lives in, there was severe damage to the suburb.

Rose got sent to another residential home in another suburb 10 minutes away that is run by the same place as where she lived previously and Lola was still Rose's support worker.

Rose continued to have flashbacks though. But Rose was glad all her belongings were retrived from the damaged house.

Today, Rose decided to go to the op shop. Rose was a big fan of shopping and collecting lots of interesting, unique, and obscure things from the op shop. In the op shop she suddenly came across a dress. The dress was a lovely long red satin dress with glittery red sequins in the sleeves and around the waist.

Rose payed for the dress and decided to wear the dress going home and the op shop was okay with this. The op shop chucked when Rose asked if she could wear the dress home and pay for it. The op shop said that is okay and said the dresses in that section where she got the dress from are only 2$.

Rose felt sick as she travelled on the bus going back to the house. She started hearing voices again telling her something bad would happen if she returned home.

Rose got off the bus where her stop was but then she looked again and felt so overwhelmed that she thought hmm...maybe I should leave the city if the voices are telling me I should leave. I don't know why the voices are so mean. I don't think anyone likes me here. 

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