A good twist

16 3 1

After 20 min,

Mira went to her apartment , and as Eunji said the land lady was there waiting for her.

Landlady - Yaahh, Where were you? I've been waiting for you since morning.

Mira - I'm so sorry aunty, actually I was ------ (what should I say now)

Landlady - Did you got a Boyfriend? You were at his place? Whole night? Aishh Kids these days

Mira's Pov

What? Boyfriend? (She looked back) (And a tall guy was standing behind her with mask and cap on) Oh god! Jungkook? I told him to go back, Why did he came here?

Mira - Anii, he's not my boyfriend

Jungkook - Yes not yet! haha

(Mira glared at him with deadly stare)

Mira - I'm sorry for causing you trouble aunty actua------

Landlady - I don't want to listen anything now, just give me my rent and empty this place within one day.

Mira - What? Wait pls listen to me, I don't have money yet but I'll pay you for sure, and I don't have anywhere to live how can you tell me to empty the place by today?

Landlady- I don't know anything, I just want you to empty the place. I have had enough of you, you never pay me on time.

Mira - I do, it's just last month's and this month's rent. Why are you talking like that?

Landlady - Listen girl, don't argue with me alright? Just do as I say, I'm not here to listen your nonsense so get over it already.

Mira - But aunty-----

Jungkook - She will empty the apartment within 3 hrs you don't worry about that and about the rent here take this. What do you think she cannot get any other place to live? Huh, I can line 100 apartments for her more bigger and better than yours.

Landlady - aiigooo, look at you is this how you talk to elders?

Jungkook - anii I talk to everyone very respectfully, but only those who deserves it. You know very well that she's not a native here and it's been so less time that she's here and you are kicking her out like this? Don't you have your own kids?

Landlady just stared at him and walked away by telling them one last time to empty the place.

Mira - What did you do? Why did you gave her money?

Jungkook - Didn't you see she was not ready to agree.

Mira - She could have if you didn't stepped in, you just made it worse. Now how will I empty it in 3 hrs (she said with a sad face)

Jungkook - Don't worry I'll call the service for you right now.

Mira - no I don't want them to come

Jungkook - Then?

Mira - You help me with it!!

Jungkook - What me?

Mira - Yes, You. You are the one who created this and you will help me get my stuff out now

Jungkook - Alright miss chocolate ice cream. But where will you go now?

Eunji - My house

Mira looked back and Eunji was standing there, she hugged her tightly.

Eunji - ohhhhh now I get where you were, you were with him? Whole night? Are you guys dating?

Mira - No we are not

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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