|~Misunderstanding~| TW: slight violence

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(Y'all I can't lie I'm gonna be diabolically today)

Noah's pov:( still a tad shook on what just happened but then all of a sudden Courtney approached me)

Courtney: Hey Noah meet me in the art room after school

Noah: Why?? (I'm also wondering if she saw the conversation I had with Alejandro)

Courtney: Just come. (Then Courtney left)

( I really want to know what she has to say so after school I reluctantly go to the art room)

Noah: Ok I'm here now what is it that is so important that you have to tell me?

Courtney: I will make this quick for you so I saw the conversation you and that stupid Alejandro had and he's manipulative nothing like me why don't you join me so we can expose his true nature

Noah: I would never betray alehandro, he's my friend

Courtney: Come on! He must treat u horrible

Noah: He really doesn't

No one's PoV:

Alejandro was walking in the hallway cause he had just dropped and had just went to pick it up when he heard people talking and saw it was Noah and Courtney?! He decided to spy on them

But Courtney had spotted him and decided what she was about to do

Courtney: So your gonna betray Alejandro and make sure I win right?

Alejandro eyes where filled with anger since he hadn't seen Courtney and Noah's previous chat he didn't Noah wasn't going to agree to it so he thought after all this time Noah was speculating with Courtney to betray him?!

Noah: I would n-

Alejandro: Hey guys what ya talking about (he said with a huge smile on his face putting his arm around Noah squeezing it tightly )

Noah: Al-?! ( he was cut of bye Courtney)

Courtney : oh dw it's nothing! (Then she left giggling to herself)
Noah's PoV:

(I was shocked to see Alejandro just standing next to me squeezing my shoulder tightly)

Alejandro: Do what we're you guys talking bout huh?

Noah :Alejandro it's not what it looks like I promise!

Alejandro: Oh so you mean you weren't just planning against me interesting cause it really seemed like you were (he squeezed Noah's shoulder tighter)

Noah: Alejandro your hurting me (he winced in pain)

Alejandro: Oh don't worry you will be feeling a lot more pain than this later (he sighed and just had a huge smile) see you tomorrow! Be prepared.( he exited the room)

(Noah already knew he was in so much trouble but it was just a misunderstanding, he groaned he need to find a way to resolve this)

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