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Noah's Pov

I asked the teacher if I could go to the toilet she said yes I walked into the toilet to see Duncan and Gwen making out disgusting but wait isn't Duncan with Courtney I took a picture and ran out before they could see me but Duncan still saw him in the corner of his eye but brushed it of.

🍎 Later at lunch 🍎

Alejandro meets Noah in the library and Noah tells him how he saw Duncan making out with Gwen and shows him the picture he took.

Al: this is perfect!

Noah: Wdym?

Al: you will see send the photo to me first

Noah: okay?

*sends picture*

Noah: what are you going to use it for?

Al: just wait

*Next day*

I was walking in the corridor when I saw a group of people gathered around I wanted to see what it was I squeezed in to see Courtney fighting gwen not even fighting demolishing her she wasn't holding back and was screaming about how could she do this to her and she thought they were friends.Then Duncan tried to hold her back but then Courtney went after him and it was brutal.Then she ran away crying I felt kinda bad for her.

Turns out the picture I took of Duncan cheating with Gwen was now all over school and I knew who did it,Alejandro.But then Duncan looked at me and said "You! Your the one who took and shared that photo. I froze but the he lunged at me I dogged but then he started chasing me I turned a corner loosing him for a few seconds then I saw Alejandro

Noah:Hey! Can u hide me (I was breathing heavily I was not much of a athletic person)

Al: Sure but u owe me a favour

Noah:Sure! Whatever just hide me ( he shoved me in a tiny closet)

Duncan: Have u seen Noah!

Al: oh amigo I think he went that way

Duncan: Thanks dude

I creeped out when I heard him walking away and asked if he was gone which Alejandro replied with yep.I was about to confront him for what he did but then the bell rang and he said bye then left.

*Later at Noah's house*

I got a text from Alejandro

Al: Hey can u come to geoffs party tomorrow please

Noah: I'm not much of a party guy.

Al: Come on it will be fun

Noah : I highly doubt that so I'm not going

Al: u don't have a choice your coming whether you like it or not I'm picking u up at your house send me ur address

(Sometimes he's so controlling but if I will go not for him tho)

Noah : I guess I'm going to some stupid party then my adress is :###########

Al: Okay I will be there at 4 make sure to actually we're some decent clothes

Noah:Excuse me my fashion choice it better than all the stupid crop tops and baggy jeans people where these day.

Al: just make sure to dress pretty not like u already aren't

Noah: ( is he flirting with me??) Shut up I get it dress in nice clothes or whatever (I put my phone down but my face was red

OMD THIS IS SOOO LONG i would have done it all in one chapter but imma let y'all rest for a sec

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