Chapter 14

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We sat on my balcony for what felt like hours. I wasn't ready to get ahold of the boys. I needed time and space for my brain to calm down before I went and jumped back into my old life. Nate just sat there and listened to me able about royalty lessons and how much I didn't want to ascend the throne yet.

"You know, they'll never understand the pressure you're under until you tell them." he said when I had been quiet for awhile.

"I know," I sighed "I don't want them to know that kind of pressure. I love them with everything in me but I just can't add this all to their plate when in this lifetime they aren't even outwardly together." Nate sighed as well.

"They wanted to wait to find you before they announced a relationship. It's easier for them to be sharing a girlfriend than it would be for them to just be gay. The fans will go easier on them." he explained.

"What about me?" I ask quietly. "Will they go easy on me?"

"I think that's why the guys are so desperate to be with you. They know the fans are gonna be really mean and will already tie you to them from the video. The fans are vicious regarding Colby especially. Every girl he's seen with is his girlfriend. Shit, some people think him and Sam are together." he rambled out.

"I can't allow them to continue the way they are if they become royalty. They would have to change their way of dress, change their way of speaking, become kings within days, rule an entire realm of creatures, and then they would be trying to run their YouTube channel at the same time? How is it fair of me to ask them to do that?" I splutter out.

"Because they love you, Fiona. I've never seen Colby and Seth as elated as they were when they told me they found you. They want to be with you to calm your fears which by the way they can feel from next door. They are not gonna let you get away this time either. That's why I'm here. They knew that you wouldn't turn me away even if you were turning them away." he explained gently.

"I just don't think they are ready for it all. It's so much to ask." I reply.

"Sweetheart, all they want to do is love you in every way possible. Nothing you ask of them will be too much because they are destined for you." he says as he grabs my hands looking deeply into my eyes. "Until the day I can do this officially," he takes a knew with his other fist over his heart "I swear upon my honor as a guardian that you will be safe with me, your highness. That includes your heart."

"I accept your pledge Nathan, thank you." I give my reply.

"Now, it's gotten late and you need to rest. I will stay on the couch outside your room to keep you safe. No arguments will be permitted. That couch is the size of a queen bed anyway and I will be perfectly comfortable on it." he tells me as he guides me up from my beanbag and into my room.

"Get some sleep your majesty, we will discuss what to do about the boys in the morning. Maybe we can start with Sam and Josh so that it's less intimidating for you." he whispers as he tucks me in. I only nod in reply as I gently drift to sleep.

***Nate POV***

Once, I got her into bed and asleep I gave a call to Sam. I knew that he could keep things secret and manage to get out of the house with Josh without making it look suspicious.

"Hey" he answered.

"He I need to talk to you and Josh alone. Can you come to Fiona's?" I ask quietly as I make my way towards the front door.

"Yeah, let me grab him and we'll head over." he replies.

"Great, I'm waiting at the front door. Tell the boys you're staying at my place tonight. I don't want them getting suspicious of where you went and I don't want them barging into the house while Fiona is finally asleep." I say slightly louder now that I'm near the door and I don't think she can hear me.

"You got it man. We will be over in a few."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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