Chapter 10

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**Colby POV**

While Sam and Josh finished packing up I pulled Seth aside to go keep an eye on Fiona. I couldn't stand the idea of her running off again.

"So what do you think she is that makes her so terrified for use to find out?" he asks me as we make our way to her office. I sigh and stop walking to look him in the eye.

"I'm not sure. She doesn't know what we are either though. Maybe telling her the truth would get her to admit it or feel more comfortable?" I question. Seth sucks in a sharp breath before sighing with a nod. "I know how much you hate showing your true form love but it's for our darling girl. We have to be able to have her trust us."

"I know we do. I just have never shown Josh my true form and we've know him for ages. I'm worried he won't want to be around as my friend anymore if we show him." he whispers. I can hear the fear in his voice.

"He's seen me though. We are one in the same. If he can handle me then he can handle you love. I promise." I tell him calmly.

"You really think that me with black eyes and blood red tears running down my face won't freak him the fuck out? " he whisper yells at me.

"I mean mine didn't. Seth my love he loves you like a brother and you've seen his fangs and black icky goo dripping from his hands. I doubt anything you do can fuck with his head." I admit.

"Well, let me go get him before we meet up with her. I'll have him reveal all our forms and then ask if she's comfortable with doing the same?" he asks.

"Yeah, that should work. I mean I'll grab her and meet you in the sitting room. You can tell Josh he can reveal me once I bring her into the room." he nods in reply before kissing my cheek and heading to explain the plan to the guys. I continue to Fiona's office and knock on the doorframe.

"Hey there Colby, you guys ready to head out?" she asks.

"Just about, but maybe tell your boss we decided to stay a tad longer? We want to show you something." I tell her. She pulls out her phone and texts her boss who quickly replies. I'm assuming it won't be an issue because of us having rented the place until 6:00am and it's only 5:00am.

"She said no problem. She's gonna come in and watch the building after I leave with you all so I just have to wait for her once we are done and we can go get some much-needed food." she tells me.

"Alright then, darling, come with me." I tell her and lead her back towards the sitting room. I keep my face away from her because I know Josh will reveal me soon as he hears my voice in the hallway.

"So, we are about to walk into the sitting room, not sure what you could really show me in the house I work in but I'm game." she chuckles. With her words I can feel my face changing.

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