Chapter 5

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**Fiona POV**

"Alright, so here we have Emily and Christopher's room. They were a young married couple who owned the house for 3 years back in 1953. After Maria past away, her parents left the home and it was vacant until it was given to Christopher. The couple was married in 1948 and they both died in 1956 on the property by an axe murderer." I explained.

"Wait, Seth tell her your last name." Josh gasped. I looked to Seth confused when he sighed.

"Borden." he said and I gasped.

"They knew you were coming. They both told me to look into the Borden family for a week before you guys came here. Well, that explains a lot." I chuckled.

"They told you about me?" he asked and I smiled.

"No, they said Borden would be important to me in the near future. Also, someone named Maggie came to me and told me to have an open mind before I did research." I explain.

"Maggie was the maid, she's believed to have had part in the murders in some way." Sam interjects.

"What did they mean by important to you?" Colby asks.

"I actually don't know. They never explained. They just kept bringing it up and they brought up the name Brock as well. I never got around to researching either name because I didn't have the time." I say.

"Colby..." Sam says.

"My last name is Brock." Colby explains. My jaw drops open. I noticed that they all suddenly turned off their cameras.

"Alright, we are gonna have to have the chat with you." says Seth.

"What's the chat?" I question.

"The there's something going on that nobody knows publicly chat." Colby adds.

"Okay..." Josh and Sam walk out of the room but not before asking me to be open minded.

"Where is a safe place to chat privately?" Colby asks.

"Umm, follow me to my office." I reply.  We quickly make our way to my shielded office and take a seat.

"Okay," Seth begins "so Colby and I are together, as in a couple.  The public doesn't know we are bisexual or together. I chuckle mildly.

"Well, yeah, that was clear." I say. Both of their eyes bug out of their heads.

"What do you mean?" they say together.

"Oh, sorry, not you were obvious, I just can feel the energies of people and I knew you two were linked, I assumed it was a relationship.  Based on how distant you keep while walking around I figured it was secretive." I explain.

"Woah, never been called out by a medium before." Colby laughs.

"No judgement, and your secret is safe with me, plus again I have no social media so I have no way to tell people in mass anyway." I ease their worries quickly. "Anyways, is there anything else I need to know?" I could see Seths breath catch in his throat and Colby just held his breath for a bit.

"Well if you do look us up you'll see us with girls, we've been trying to find our third for a very long time. We were wondering if maybe what the spirits meant was that you would be important to us in another way?" Colby word vomitted.

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