Chapter III: Fallout

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October 12 2023

Wolfpack along with some soldiers made it to City Hall as they were looking around and silence emitted around the building

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Wolfpack along with some soldiers made it to City Hall as they were looking around and silence emitted around the building. After a tough battle between the Ogroman and the Ustanak. The team managed to defeat both B.O.Ws and made it to the camps where they got the civilians out of the city.

Eventually they reunited at City Hall along with the other soliders as they needed to rescue some civilians that were trapped in the building.

Jack: Okay. Spread out. We have to search this place from top to bottom

The team along with the soldiers made it to the foyer and everyone saw something.

The team along with the soldiers made it to the foyer and everyone saw something

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Chris: What the hell happened here?

The team saw cocoons all over the foyer as some of the cocoons looked like civilians were trying to run away before they were encased in the cocoon.

The team slowly walked forward and saw more cocoons around the building as they were speaking to each other.

Benjamin: Damn. Looks like all of them are encased in a cocoon like state.

Soldier: Are they still alive?

Anne: I'm picking up life form readings. They're alive.

Daikon: I have a bad feeling about this.

Alex: Same here. We should let Red Crown know about what we found.

Suddenly all of them heard a loud sound as a solider shouted "Who's there?" before the sound of a door being closed was heard and everyone looked at each other.

Chris: I'm getting a reading on the other side of this door.

Jack: Let's go investigate it. [Looks at the soldiers] Everyone else, keep searching out here.

The soldiers nodded as Wolfpack opened the door and continued moving forward as they had their weapons ready. As the team continued moving forward, they saw more cocoons at the hallway and spoke to each other.

Benjamin: More cocoons. The J'avos must have killed everyone here.

Anne: There could be one survivor hiding. Maybe they can tell us what happened.

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