023, 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫

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Anna knew how she was trying to prove that Mark wasn't the father of Callie's baby.

She couldn't help but think that there had to be someone else in the picture. Someone who Callie had slept with. But both were keeping it quiet.

Anna hated how Mark didn't believe her. And how they'd had a huge row about it all. He had told her she was jealous.

Anna knew that she was only doing it for him. Knowing she didn't want him to get attached to a baby that wasn't his.

It wasn't easy at all. And Anna missed how close she used to be with Mark. But she couldn't help it if he didn't want to believe her.

Ella walked in and smiled. "Hey. How are you?" She asked.

Anna shrugged. "I'm okay I think. I just.. I don't know. My head feels weird as fuck. And everything just keeps spinning," she told her.

"Pregnancy perks."

Anna shrugged again. She sighed. "My own baby is something I've always wanted. Ever since I can remember. But now? It's all changed. And I'm not excited anymore."

Ella took her hand. "You know you're not alone? I'm here. And so is Alex. Who, by the way doesn't know you're pregnant," she said.

"I'll tell him. He's my brother. So I can't keep it from him," Anna told her.


Anna walked into the patients with room with Teddy and Jackson. "Ricky... big day," Teddy said.

"Bring it on."

"Is this your sister?" Teddy asked referring to the young woman in the room.

Ricky smiled. "This is my girlfriend ... Julia."

Teddy looked over at her. "You're kidding. He's been talking about you for months," she told her.

"I figured, if there was ever a day to take off work, it's when your boyfriend's getting new lungs," Julia said as she smiled.

"Smart. She waited for the real fun," Teddy said as she shared a look with Bella.

"All right. Let's do this."

Jackson looked to Ricky. "Well, your new lungs should leave Portland in about two hours. You haven't taken any of your cystic fibrosis meds since last night, right?" He asked.

Ricky shook his head. "No food, no water, no drսg," he told them.

Teddy nodded and smiled. "Great. So we'll just do one last workup, and then we'll get you to the O.R. Oh, and, uh, Julia, write down your number, please, and give it to Dr Karev."


"Well, so we can call you when Ricky's in surgery if we have any news," Teddy said.


In the ER, Adele Webber had been brought in. "Okay. I was in the cereal aisle, and I tripped on one of those big display ... fruit spreads or ... or some nonsense and the whole thing came down," she said.

Mark looked up. "Lido and an epi, please. 5-0 prolene," he told a nurse.


"Excuse me?" Mark said as he looked to her.

Adele smiled. "Oh, it's a cut, Mark. You don't have to show off. You can give me a couple of band-aids and be on your way," she told him.

Mark shook his head. "Yeah, that's not how this is gonna go," he said.

LITTLE KAREV, Mark SloanWhere stories live. Discover now