04, 𝐀𝐥𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭

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Anna was currently sat in the apartment with Mark, Callie, Arizona and Owen. She didn't know how she had ended up there. But she wasn't complaining.

She and Mark had spent the night together watching a movie. Anna knew how she felt it was too soon for her to be finding someone new after her disastrous previous relationship. But she felt like Mark was different.

He was charming and he made her smile. More than anyone ever had in the past. She knew that she was apprehensive about starting something with him. But he eased all her fears.

"I always knew that Wallace's parents were wealthy. But not 25 million dollars wealthy," Arizona said. "I mean... that's libraries named dad you kind of money. Saving babies in Africa. And has dinner at the White House."

They were currently making breakfast.  Anna sat next to Mark on the couch. His hand running over her thigh. Callie saw how happy Mark looked with Anna.

"People don't give me that kind of money. You have an unfair advantage. You work with children," Mark said.

Anna turned to him and smiled. "You're jealous."

"No. I'm not doll."

Callie smiled. She knew how Mark and Anna had chemistry. And she wanted her best friend to be happy. Like what she had with Arizona. "Oatmeal, side of fruit. Wheat toast. Hold the butter," Callie called.

Owen came out of Cristina's bedroom. "Thanks," he said as he sat down.

"Waffles and bacon."

Anna thanked Callie as she handed her the plate. She saw the look on Mark's face. "What?"

"That's not much."

"I'm not that hungry."

Callie turned to Arizona. "You know what? That money is going to make such a difference for so many patients. It's... it's really amazing," she told her girlfriend.

Mark turned his gaze from Anna back to his newspaper. "Maybe I should start doing more cleft-palate kids. Everyone is a sucker for them," he said out loud.

Anna nodded. "Well yeah. But not cause you want the approval from parents. Maybe do it for the babies who might not have much of something to smile about," she told him.

"25 million dollars is pretty cool right," Arizona said as she looked to everyone.


Anna smiled as she looked to Arizona. "Best birthday gift ever," she said. Frowning as she got everyone's attention. "Oops?"

"Birthday gift?"

"Yeah! Well...cause the moneys a gift. I mean, technically it's for the hospital. And not Arizona. But since your birthday is on a Friday," Anna said with a shrug.

"How does Angel Spawn know it's your birthday and I don't?" Callie asked, turning to her girlfriend.

Arizona shrugged and smiled. "Birthdays are just like any other days. I don't like them. I don't celebrate them. No big deal. 25 million dollars? That's a big deal," she told them.

Arizona looked to her watch and smiled. "Crap. I'm gonna be late. I will see you there," she said as she shared a kiss with Callie and soon left.

LITTLE KAREV, Mark SloanWhere stories live. Discover now