012, 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐒𝐨 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐃𝐚𝐲

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Anna groaned as she emptied the contents of her stomach. She had been out drinking with Ella. They had been to Joe's and came back to drink even more.

She knew it was a bad idea knowing how they had work the next morning. But she needed to forget. She needed to somehow make it through trying to not jump back into bed with Mark. Even though she had slept with him at Derek's party.

It was hard for her to think about all that had happened with Mark. She didn't know what was going on with them.

Ella looked to Anna as she walked back into the room. "Are you okay?" She asked.

Anna nodded. She groaned. "Men are stupid. They're assholes who think with their cocks and then complain when they have to be mature. And I don't like them," she mumbled.

Ella nodded in agreement. "Or they draw you in with their bad boy attitude. And then they make you want them."

"Amen... why don't we just get married and fuck off from men all together?" Anna suggested.


Anna grinned. She knew how things were lately. And she just somehow needed to get through it all.


Mark sat in his apartment and sighed. He knew how he missed Anna being there. He missed how she brightened his world.

He just needed to somehow get her alone to talk to her. To make her see that he wouldn't hurt her again. He couldn't hurt her again.

He knew how much he had hurt her. And he wanted the chance to put it right. He had cheated on her and he had broken her heart into pieces.

It was the one thing he had never wanted to do. He never wanted to make Anna feel as though she had done something wrong.


Ella looked up as Mark walked towards her. She raised her eyebrows. "I hope you're about to ask me to scrub in on a surgery, walk away," she said.

Mark rolled his eyes. "I get it. You don't like me. I don't like me much. But I want to make it work with Anna. I want to make her mine"

Ella frowned. "You bought her a ring? Mark, she's broken. She's a wreck. It's not just your fault. It's the whole Addison thing. She's a broken mess. And I don't think a ring is going to cut it," she told him.

"I haven't bought a ring. But there's an idea. Plus It's a start. And I'm your boss. So you have to be nice to me," he said. 

Ella rolled her eyes. She shook her head. "You could be Tom Cruise himself and I'd still not be nice. But guess what, Anna is my best friend. She's my rock. So if she's hurting, I'm automatically inclined to dislike the guy who hurt her. Boss or not."

Mark frowned. "You really are mean Ella."

"Bite me."


Anna walked over to Meredith and Cristina. She smiled. "What's going on?" She asked as she looked to them.

Cristina turned to Anna and then to Meredith. "You can tell her. She's one of us. And she's nice," she said.

"I'm only nice to those people who deserve my niceness. Cause otherwise I'm a bitch," Cassie said.

"I'm pregnant."

Anna's eyes widened. She looked to her. "Oh my god! Congratulations!" She said as she hugged her.

Meredith smiled. "Derek doesn't know. You're the only people I've told. And Ella. You three are the main people I like. So I had to tell you," she said.

LITTLE KAREV, Mark SloanWhere stories live. Discover now