Assistance - Part 4

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"So how does 4pm tomorrow sound? Stephen?"

Stephen was in his office, completely zoned out from the dronings of one of his colleagues, staring out of his office window, watching the cars zooming through the streets below, until they came to a stop. The street light flicked from green, to amber, to red as the drivers below gently stepped down on their brakes.

Originally, they were talking about a patient. Recovery status and process. Then proceedings moving forward for safety precautions. Then, precautions turned into praise for his recent performance in the emergency room. And that turned into preparations for a prestigious benefit taking place not too far from now.

But the more Stephen stood listening to his colleague's words, the less he started to care.

He was bored.

And this time, it wasn't because there wasn't something interesting happening.

On the contrary.

Their latest surgery would no doubt garner attention from several medical boards and media outlets. It was incredibly advanced, high stakes, and groundbreaking in many ways. Just one of many that Dr. Stephen Strange was known for. Inventing techniques that other boards and hospitals would implement into practices elsewhere across the country and perhaps the world later on. This was his life. Being famous for being good at his job.

But Stephen didn't care.

No, not really.

He stood, waiting alongside the traffic down below for a green light. He wanted something to happen. Something to tell him to 'go'.

Just something to lift his spirits.

The past few days had been gruelling. And this did come with the job. But he would normally bounce back so easily, find another 'project' to distract himself with until fatigue exhausted him home. And the next day, he'd be fully reset and ready to prove his skills over and over again.


But nothing was able to do that this time.

He felt exhausted, yes, but not in the way that would usually send him home for some rest. No. This felt different. He felt something was missing. Something different. Something that changed his routine.

Perhaps it was the amount of time he was spending now having to remember and organise his work day. Maybe the extra amount of time he needed to factor into his shifts so he could get himself a coffee between surgeries. All the rushing around and disorganisation hitting him like a ton of bricks.

But nonetheless, he felt tired. And his motivation was starting to dwindle.

As was his focus in this conversation.


He turned, his attention snapping away from the view of the cars below as they started up, their engines carrying them down the streets and away from his eyesight as the green light finally came around.


But as he turned, he wasn't expecting to see (Y/n), peeking from the door, and obviously conscious of the fact that she had just interrupted an unofficial meeting between colleagues.

"I'm so sorry, didn't mean to interrupt- Dr Pierce," She greeted the other doctor before turning her attention to Stephen, "I'll come find you later, when you aren't busy."

She smiled, and closed the door.

"Ah, I miss seeing Dr. (Y/l/n) around here. How's finding a new assistant?"

Pierce asked, seeing Stephen the most alive since their conversation started about an hour ago. But his question would get no more than a 'yeah, fine' response as he watched Stephen rush towards his door and leave his office.


(Y/n) was part way down the hall when she heard the hasty footsteps close in behind her.


She turned, seeing Stephen catching up to her.

But he looked different to when she last saw him. He looked tired, like a walking corpse looking for purpose. And to her, that was odd. Stephen was a little crazy when it came to work, but no matter the slander or insults thrown about his people skills, everyone knew he loved his job.

More than anything.

And because of this, he walked the sterile white halls of their workspace with such confidence. Such ego. And anyone passing could smell the sheer determination from a mile away.

"You look like you could use a nap."

She giggled as he came to a stop in front of her, and he smiled, looking at her with... relief?

"Yeah, well, I definitely took your work for granted. Who knew my schedule was so hard to manage?"

He chuckled, and she couldn't help but join in.

"I did. But we already knew that."

And they held each other's smiles for just a moment before a passing nurse found Stephen in the hall.

"Dr Strange, your next patient is in waiting room 5, I've told them you'll be down right away."

Stephen turned, having completely forgotten his next appointment and checked his watch to confirm the time.

"Oh, right. Yes, I'll be right down."

He half smiled before the nurse walked away, and his attention was pulled back to (Y/n).

"Busy man."

"I'm afraid so."

They smiled, feeling a little awkwardness settle between them as patients and doctors passed the halls around them.

And there was a little moment of silence before they started.

"Hey, I was -"

"Look I-"

The two spoke at the same time, stopping to smile at the others' words before they paused.

Then (Y/n) spoke before she'd have the chance to regret it. Or, more like she blurted  out-


Stephen's brow raised slightly before a grin broke across his lips.

"Are you asking me on a date? Look, (Y/n), I'm flattered, but you just heard how busy I am-"

"No," She stopped him, laughing at his assumption, "I wanted to talk to you, actually. That's why I stopped by just now. Uh, if I remember correctly, you keep Friday evening's free of appointments?"

"Yeah, traffic is too hard to manoeuvre past that hour."

She shook her head, smiling down at the floor at the sound of his words. She had always assumed it was because no one would want to spend their Friday evenings at a hospital. And she secretly admired this small detail. But of course, it was a slightly more selfish reason than that.

This was Stephen, after all.

"Well, I'll see you then?"

She looked up at him and smiled before turning to leave.

And Stephen smiled too, internally screaming impatiently for Friday.

Before he rushed off, forgetting he had that patient waiting.

Hehe sorry for the later upload, next part will sadly be the last for this little oneshot but nonetheless I got more in the works ;)

Until next time <3

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