Delicate Hands - Part 7 (Final)

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(Y/n)'s brows knitted together as she processed his words.

"Wait- so you're telling me, this whole time we've fought and refused to be cordial in any way, shape or form, is all because your arrogant ass couldn't bear the thought that I was a better master than you...?"

Stephen was thankful for the slightly dimmed lighting now that he could feel the embarrassment wash over his face. Hearing it out loud like that, he had to admit, sounded incredibly stupid.

"Not my proudest moment, I will admit."

But he was grateful that his words caused a small fit of giggles to form from the sorceress next to him. And he watched, fully captivated by her beauty. The laughter that escaped her lips, it was like music to his ears.

"Stephen," She started, once her laughter had started to calm, "You're about to become the sorcerer supreme. Did it ever occur to you that you already had a leg up on me with that? And... you know..." She gestured to her injury, sending both of them into a comfortable giggle.

"But- But what if I mess something up? I still have a long way to go before I even come close to a fraction of what the ancient one could do."

(Y/n) could feel a sense of anxiousness escaping his words, and she pitied that he didn't feel confident in himself. Because she could see perfectly clear just how amazing of a job he would do.

So, (Y/n) started to sit up, turning her body as best as she could towards him. And as she looked down to him, she let her hand slide up onto his chest, and she tried her best not to focus on the rapid increase of his heartbeat that she could now feel under her palm.

"I promise, Stephen, you're going to be amazing."

Stephen pushed himself up slightly, feeling a need to be closer to her. He found her hand on his chest and held it there, wanting for her to never let him go. Hearing words like that, from someone he secretly admired for so long? It made his stomach flutter unbelievably.

"But I'm no ancient one, (Y/n)."

He looked down as he sighed.

"You're not." She slid her hand up his chest and along his neck, letting it rest on his jaw as she tilted his head towards her, "You're Stephen Strange. And don't you dare compare yourself to anyone else." She smiled, hoping to fill him with enough reassurance and confidence.

"You're just saying that because you'll get the sanctum after I'm gone." He halfheartedly chuckled once he cleared the lump in his throat.

"You really think I'm incapable of seeing the best in you?"

Stephen searched her eyes, and was pleasantly surprised when he couldn't catch onto any hint of a lie.

"Besides, you still stay sanctum master so it wouldn't change anything for me-"

But (Y/n)'s words were cut off by his lips crashing onto hers.

And as initially shocked as she was, she very quickly melted into his touch, his hands cupping her face as she kissed him back. And it was almost as if all the anger and tension these two had been throwing around for the past few years was now channelled into this single kiss. Like a gentle goodbye to their feud as this kiss marked the beginning of a new path.

"I'm sorry- I shouldn't have-"

But Stephen didn't get to finish his sentence before she promptly leaned back in and continued their kiss. And he wasn't complaining, even if she could feel his smirk against her lips. Though eventually, their kiss came to an end due to the lack of air the two now felt, pulling apart breathlessly against each other.

"I think taking care of the sanctum is going to be a lot easier now that we aren't screaming down each other's throats." (Y/n) giggled, watching Stephen catch his breath.

"Oh, I can do that too if you want." He winked before encapsulating her lips once more, his hands now winding around her waist, pulling her closer to him until she winced at the pain from her leg.

"Ok, come on-"

Stephen promtply stood, smoothly scooping her up and lifting her onto the bed.

"Hey- I'm fine."

"No. You're not. Just, please, don't be stubborn. I'll stay up here with you if it means you won't struggle resting on the floor. If you don't rest, your leg won't heal."

Stephen climbed into bed after tucking her under the sheets, nestling against her comfortably as she found her place under his arms.

"Aw, someone cares."

"Of course I care."

He leaned down once more and kissed her. But this one felt different. It didn't feel as charged as the previous ones did. This kiss felt... loving. So gently across her lips that she melted further into him. And this time when he pulled away, she was left utterly breathless.

"Might actually be a little distracting going around the sanctum if you keep doing that." She smirked, eyes ever focused on him. And she couldn't help but feel so lucky at this moment.

"Well, get used to it." He replied, placing a kiss to her cheek as they both sank into the pillows as well as each other, "Now, rest. Or I won't kiss you."

(Y/n) playfully slapped his arm, feeling offended with his words. "Your loss then."

And Stephen couldn't help but smile, pulling her closer to him as carefully as her injury would allow him, and kissing her gently, until they both drifted asleep.

The end.

Hope you guys enjoyed my first Stephen one shot!

I am working on more so hopefully see you guys soon?

Until the next one <3

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