Delicate Hands - Part 1

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Dr. Stephen Vincent Strange.

Master of the New York Sanctum.

And on the road to becoming the next sorcerer supreme.

Stephen tightened the belt around his robes as he got ready for the day. And most days started off the same; refreshing air, hot tea, zooming cloak. Time to himself, undisturbed tranquility leading into his morning meditations. Quiet halls that occupied nothing but his thoughts.

And most mornings were quite pleasant.


But this morning was going to be far from that.


As the cloak lowered him to the tiled floors of the sanctum's kitchen, he was irritated to be met with the impatient foot tapping of Master (Y/l/n), who so happened to be sharing this sanctum's space with him.

"What? What is it now?" Stephen huffed, feeling an incredible negativity wash over him, which was not appreciated first thing in the morning.

Now, you should know, the two masters never engaged in conversation unless absolutely necessary. Seeing as Stephen didn't agree with (Y/n)'s teaching methods back in Kamar-Taj, it was safe to say Stephen definitely didn't agree with most of her methods when it came to taking care of the sanctum. Or doing anything really.

But he would never tell anyone that he mainly disagreed with how easily she beat him in a spar.

"Next time you feel the urge to stay up late reading," (Y/n) paused, taking a deep breath and trying her absolute hardest not to let the next words come screaming out of her mouth, though she was usually never very successful, "can you please, not, leave them, you know... LYING AROUND???"

Her hands were now waving incredulously about the mess of books that lay scattered across the kitchen floor. And as she stayed there, letting her words ring out through the sanctum, she prepared to continue screaming as she watched Stephen's face muddle into a look of confusion.

"T-this wasn't me."

His voice was much more calm than she had expected it to be, but she couldn't take his word for it. Not after the amount of time's he's pulled last minute pranks on her to make her look bad in front of countless other master's. This was probably something just like that. A prank, she thought.


She straightened her posture as her arms found a comfortable position crossed over her chest.

"But of course it wasn't. Stupid me. How could the 'incredible Dr. Strange' have done something so incredibly inconsiderate?! Oh, great sorcerer supreme-to-be, please forgive me and my accusatory tone!"

Stephen, while still puzzled by the mess of books that lay around the space, was starting to feel more and more annoyed by (Y/n)'s words. Of course she wouldn't believe him. This was just going to be another one of those days.

But in her defence, he's never done anything to show her that she should believe him. But nevertheless, Stephen could feel his eyes start to roll, and he watched as she took a couple steps around the kitchen, her whole act doing nothing more than annoy him.

Sure, Stephen did occasionally find himself restless, as most people would. But whenever he decided to spend his nights awake and studying, he almost always kept to his room or the library, keeping his space tidy until he eventually drifted off to sleep. 

"Here, should I help you tidy your mess, Master," 

She sneered, her sarcastic act starting to fade out and her usual snappy self returning. 

"Or better yet-"

She flicked her wrists, and within an instant, the rather large pile of books that lay sprawled out in front of her all shot up and flew their way across the room and straight towards Stephen, engulfing him and causing him to trip backwards from the sheer weight of all the pages he now found himself trapped under.

"Clean it yourself."

And with that, Stephen heard the thud of her boots grow fainter and fainter into the distance. He pushed himself up, several books sliding off his body as he did, and sighed.

This was definitely not how he wanted to start his day.


Stephen tried his absolute hardest to go about the rest of his day with a sense of composure. But every so often, he would find several things out of place, and untidy or completely messed up.

He thought very little of it.

If little can be described as 'Master (Y/l/n) being petty enough to throw a fit in every room of the sanctum that she knew Stephen would be in throughout the day.'

But then something, quite quickly, changed his mind.

Stephen watched as a stack of papers next to his desk toppled over. But instead of landing on the floor by his feet, half the papers disappeared through the floor, with nothing but the traces of a faint yet familiar blue light, before the pages reappeared, raining down over his head. 

This was definitely not (Y/n).

"Oh god..."

New book (again)- who dis?

Btw what do you guys think of the chapter length? For the OS's I'm trying to keep them shorter than my normal length books but I tend to write a lot so keeping these shorter always feels a little weird to me (ง •_•)ง

ALSO- first 'enemies'? to lovers thing so FEEDBACK WOULD BE MEGA APPRECIATED

Future e-to-l book on the to-do list ヽ(*。>Д<)o゜

Until next time <3

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