The meeting

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Kakashi stood at Rin's grave with no emotion present on his face. Obito probably hates him right now, Kakashi thought sadly, holding back his tears.
It had been several years since the incident, and Kakashi had never felt more alone in his life. His sensei was dead; his father was dead; his mother; his sensei's wife, Rin; and lastly, Obito.
The only people he had ever even considered his loved ones had all died, and most of their deaths were due to him.
If he just went with Obito from the start on that particular fateful day, then maybe things could have been different.
If he had better self-control, maybe he wouldn't have impaled Rin through the chest.
If he hadn’t been born, his mother would still be alive. If he wasn't born Rin, Obito, and maybe even Minato Sensei and Kushina would be alive, who knows?
Sadly, there was no turning back time. The past was said to be a lesson, but as he’d discovered, he hadn't learned a thing about how to protect the ones he loved.
Did he deserve to be standing here, mourning a comrade like he hadn't killed her himself?
Did he deserve to even be standing in the first place?
Surely the world would suffer less if he wasn’t in it, Kakashi thought.
Who knows, he could have also been the reason behind the nine tails attacking Konoha and killing so many innocent victims of life.
These thoughts and beliefs were what gave Kakashi the will to hold a kunai to his throat.
“Goodbye world,” he murmured, a soft smile now present beneath his mask.
The world didn't even utter a single goodbye; it seemingly did not care what path he chose.
Kakashi was about to end it all when he felt a hand on his wrist, a firm grasp that seemed almost inhuman and desperate.
Kakashi opened his eyes and looked to his side, where he was sure someone was standing.
He was surprised to see a man with short black hair, a long black cloak, and, finally, the most surprising feature, an orange mask.
“Who are you?” Kakashi asked, trying to pull his arm away, but to no avail.
“I'm asking the questions.  What were you just about to do?” The masked man asks, glaring down at Kakashi.
“None of your business! Now who are you,'' Kakashi asked again, feeling the man's grip tightening.
“If I tell you my name, then will you consider stopping whatever you were about to do?” the man asked in a rather demanding tone.
Kakashi nods his head, waiting for the man to proceed.
“My name is Tobi, and you?” he asked.
“Kakashi Hatake,” he replied sourly, now gripping Tobi's wrist in an attempt to free himself.
“The copy Ninja, Kakashi Hatake,” he muttered to himself.
Tobi released his grip on Kakashi's wrist, and so did Kakashi.
“What are you doing here?'' Kakashi asked as though it weren’t obvious, as they were standing in a graveyard.
“I'm here for the same purpose as you, just to mourn a fallen comrade,” he replied with a hint of sadness.
“Oh, I'm sorry for asking,” Kakashi said in a dry, understanding tone of sadness.
“It's alright; it's been years now, and I've learned to forgive,” Tobi replied, staring right at Kakashi with a sense of yearning.
Tobi looked down at the grave Kakashi was standing at and paid his respects.
“Yeah, same here, though I have not learned to forgive as you have,” Kakashi sympathized.
Tobi looked at the ground and read the words engraved in the stone: “Rin Nohara, may her soul rest in for everlasting peace,” he said comfortingly.
“Thank you, Tobi,” Kakashi said genuinely; he hadn't expected this much from a stranger.
Tobi nods slowly and stands up. “I must go now. see you around, Kakashi.” Tobi then vanishes, with no trace left behind that they had even talked...

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