Second sip - The taste •

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Moshi! Moshi !, you cheerfully picked up the call .

"Miss L/n it's me , Sebastian. I have a bad news to inform you " Sebastian exclaimed.

Whaaatt?  Bad news ? When do you even give me a good news ! , you say teasingly.

Sebastian is your supervisor whom you trust a lot . He has been working under you for years .... He is a smart young guy with light blue hair of medium length , wears round spectacles and is dressed in a black suit . Girls are attracted towards him since he is damn handsome .....

" tell me the bad news ".

'The profit we got by selling our new stock was way less than we calculated ', Sebastian said .

" News on who did that ? Perhaps the Yoshikos' did it " , you say cheekily.

'Well it has to be them, so what's the plan ? ' , he asked .

"We blow them ! Of course ", you stated .

'So , when shall we start ?' , he questioned.

"I sent a package for them , they must have received it by now since I already expected them to misunderstand their place . We will receive twice the profit from them . So , don't worry " ,you remarked.

'Heh..' , he chuckles. 'Its really good to have a very responsible boss ~' , he says teasingly .

"Really ? I also think it's really good to have smart employees ", you tease back ...
'Okay then bye , I know you're gonna nail this deal as well ' , Sebastian said and hunged the call.


You were wearing a long black wide leg pant with white strips running along the border and a green top , a black cross bag was also swinging around your hips ....You had accuquired the goddess like beauty from your mother , your beautiful h/c hair flying because of the breeze , your face was a bit covered since you were wearing a black bucket hat . Your gait was confident matching your personality and your hieght (i.e. 5"8) .


"Geezz ~!....It's soo hot ,I think I'm gonna die because of the heat " ,you cried.

While you were complaining about the hot weather some noisy pirates were messing around . Because of them making a lot of fuss you had to turn and take a look on whom those idiots were....

' What the heck ! Which idiots are making such noise . I feel like going and beating them up ! ' , you thought ....

"Usopp!Chopper! Let's go to the amusement park ! ", a guy in straw hat exclaimed; who seemed like a monkey to you .

""BONK!"" , you heard a loud sound and see an orange haired girl hitting on the head of the straw - boy ... [ Scarry indeed]

You felt amused and kinda reminded you of someone who used to do the same to you . You ignore them and walk away from there ....

Sake in a bottle ( One Piece X Badass Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now