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Heavy panting, sharp inhales, small grunting sounds of frustration. Your legs stumbled a bit as you hurriedly rounded the corner of a street, now entering a large forest which seemed to be...off.

'Wow I just love running into a creepy forest at the crack of dawn, surely I wont get eaten!!'   You huffed at your sarcastic thought. 'I would love to joke more...but, well, its really not the time.'

As you continued onward, each painful step after yet another slightly more painful step, you carried yourself deeper into the unknown area. 'I had to have lost them by now right??! No no no, they're probably right on my tail damn it! I have to keep going, I have to...'

Your breaths had become even more jagged than before, inhaling the cool air and stinging your throat while shocking your chest. Your whole respiratory system was NOT happy...Your legs were practically begging you to just stop and rest, you could your arms had almost given up by going back and forth between falling limp and lazily swinging next to your body.

Yet, despite all of this, your mind knew that you could not give up now. Just a little longer... You knew, that if you failed, you would never be free. So what if your entire body was in pain? To hell with it!

Currently, your life, dignity, pride, and freedom, were solely dependent on the adrenaline rush that started 4 hours ago. Yes, four hours. You ran away four hours ago and have not stopped since. Your scarce adrenaline source was probably the one thing keeping you from your bad ending.

The wet leaves, soft soil, and fallen branches scattered throughout the forest floor weren't exactly in your favor either. Maybe there was an easier route you could have taken- but this one was the safest, providing you with the shelter and coverage of the thick trees and greenery. The different species of animals were also helpful in covering your scent up.

The heel of your shoe sank down into the dirt. Maybe wearing high heels wasn't a good idea- but then again, you didnt know that you would be kidnapped by an emo insect group or whatever the hell they were...

Kicking your insanely uncomfortable high heels off, you continued to run. Theres no time for this..The cold earthy ground then meets your bare and blistered feet. It would actually be quite refreshing if you weren't on the run from a group of psychos. Your heart beat increased, your head pounded, every instinct you had urged you to keep going. Run Faster. Go Onward. Don't Stop.
You persevered, you pushed as much as your body would let you. Your feet came in contact with wet moss and slippery stone causing you to trip forward. Stupid forest.

You started panicking, panting even quicker than before. You couldn't even form thoughts correctly. Your palms and legs were shaking as the anxiety slowly overtook your muscles. You didn't know how much further you could go anymore. The okay-stamina you had wouldn't be able to hold out much longer.

Along with the physical price of running through different terrains, your body had endured much more physical torture beforehand. Nose? bleeding and hurts like hell, probably broken. Lips? bottom lip is busted and split open at one part. The metallic iron taste of blood was not very pleasing. There were other small cuts on your face as well. Your wrists and ankles were freshly bruised, colored with deep purple and red; It was the harsh outcome of being bind together with stupidly tight rope... anyways, Hair? tangled. Clothes? tattered with small holes where you were cut. The point is, you were so done.

Using all the might you could muster up, you pushed yourself up with your arms that were slightly wobbling and used the tree nearby to support yourself as you got to your feet. You took a turn past some trees and a small stream and ended up right in front of yet another large patch of trees. You knew this forest was creepy enough, but...there was something different about this part of the forest. Barely any animals were in the area. A dark, eerie, feeling oozed out of it. You knew that this was a bad idea as any, yet you also knew you had to do this. You had to go forward.

The moonlight reflected off of the condensated leaves. The slightly dead plants that reside on the other side of the stream didn't make it seem any less uninviting. Darkness was lurking in every corner inside of the taunting forest. Vines enveloped the trees, making everything seem so much more ominous than it really had to be. You looked left and right. Over your shoulder and then over the next. And then backwards just to make sure...Everything will be okay..
You take the step forward, entering into the darkness.

I...I cant do this.

You were broken, tired, EXHAUSTED.

You lifted your legs and ran even more. Cmon Y/N... Sweat began to make its way down your forehead. You so badly just wanted to stop. You wanted to be in your house, cuddled up with blankets, maybe even watching a show. But no, you cant stop. Not now. Being caught by them was the worst possible outcome and you would not allow it to happen no matter what. You didn't want to be found. You were desperate for any outcome besides that one really.

You knew you had to keep going. Dodging any branches that were in the way was easy. Running through bushes was slightly easier. Jumping over the log that seemingly appeared right in front of you, as if it was the log's mission to stop you, was however, not so easy. Sure, on any normal day it would have been piece of cake for you; but you were pushing your limit. Your legs could barely even manage to run!! Jumping over something was out of the question. You tripped over the log with your right foot and then proceeded to roll down a short hill that was directly after the log. Putting your hand out in an attempt to stop moving was useless.

"Ack!" you exclaimed as your back hit a tree, knocking most of the wind out of you. Surprised that your lungs hadn't collapsed yet.

I must...I must keep going...

You have to get up and go already!!

Just go—

You shot up, much like the other times. Perhaps a bit too fast though. You took a couple of steps forward, your vision blurring with each agonizing step. You stumbled forward just a bit, I mean your legs were on the verge of collapsing and rendering themselves useless.  You couldn't keep running. This was the end. Even having to breathe was painful at this point. Every single part of you just wanted to stop and shut down.

no..I have to...keep....., going..

Your heart rate was slowing down as you continued to take your steps further into the darkness. Dark spots starting clouding your already blurry vision. It was hopeless. You took one more step forward as everything became dizzy, and you, Y/N Lucilfer, felt yourself falling.

In your last conscious moments, you could recall seeing these beautiful magenta cat-like eyes from a distance, observing and lurking like a true cat. For a split second you were scared it was someone from the troupe, but none of their eyes were as mesmerizing as this. With the little vision left, you can make out an elegant figure with a small frame, inching towards you.
Hey...a kitty cat!! What an odd color and pattern for a cat though,, how exotic.

"Hey kitty kitty kitty...Come here,,pspsps" You signed the 'cat' forward, hoping to at least pet the cute being before likely dying right there and then.

A nice view before you faded out into unconsciousness.

"Awh, such a pretty kitty—" You heard yourself say right as you were about to hit the ground.

Right as you felt yourself fall into the arms of the so-called cat, you became happy. It was like all your suffering and pain had truly been washed away- Or maybe you were just numb by now, who knows. The comforting presence from the stranger made you feel at peace, like you were safe from all the terrible things you went through tonight. Right then, your body finally gave out and your vision went completely dark. It was the rest you so desperately needed.

The sun slowly started to ascend, sharing its rays with the world.

"A cat? Hm, how interesting.." The stranger's voice spoke just as you had became unconscious.

He looked at you as if he were deciding something, and then with a "hmph", he threw you over his shoulder and began to make his way to the gates of his mansion.


𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐊𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐲 (𝖪𝖺𝗅𝗅𝗎𝗍𝗈 𝗑 𝖱𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋)Where stories live. Discover now