★ Gregoriah x Emerson fluff : After Hours

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A/N : This was requested by @Al13nB1tch ! Thank you again for the request!
Before I start, I have no clue how both these charaters personality is like, so it might be slightly off to what you would expect them to be! Keep this in mind while reading.


It was dark outside, as the restaurant slowly empties out. As Emerson closed off the cashregister from the Reddy's pizza place, from almost standing all day on the drivetru window he was officially tired, his feet hurt a shit ton. He was eager to sit down or lay in bed. 

The one horned creature stepped out of the playground area, his little fluff all messed up with his work uniform looking slightly dirty and ruffled, as he was too. Really tired, sitting down near Emerson. A tired groan came from Gregoriah soon after.

" Hmm, you doing anything later tonight? " Gregoriah asks, with his head laid down on the table he was sitting at. With soft smile on his face, Emerson just looked at him. " Uuhhh.. no? " Emerson said, his slurring was obvious. It made Gregoriah smile, it was a small thing Gregoriah always liked about Emerson. " Youuu, wanna get something to eat together from a nearby gas station? I'm pretty sure the people for the nightshift are here sometime soon. "  Gregoriah asked.

Emerson turned his full head to him, smiling a bit. " Sure, why not. Do you think it's smart to change clothes? " Emerson asked, while Gregoriah just chuckled. " Naahhh. " With a smile on his face he got up. " We can take your car, I walked here anyway. You could just you know drop me off. " Gregoriah said.

The two agreed on which gas station, slowly heading out to the parking lot as a different car pulled up. It was the nightshift guard, Emerson waved as Gregoriah had his hands in his pockets. Emerson unlocked his car as the two got in. " Honestly I'm craving a slushie. "  Gregoriah said once seated and seatbelt on.

" Ooohh, maybe we can get something and sit down somewhere. I know a pretty place. " Emerson said, slightly nervous. Like the two were on some stupid date, which wasn't really the case. " Sounds great! " Greg smiled.

Emerson started his car as he drove off from Reddy's diner, off to a nearby gasstation. As the two talked and spoke about their experiences today. " Dude this kid, just refused to leave the ballpit. As their sibling just crashed into them. " Gregoriah said chuckling, Emerson doing the same.

Once Emerson pulled up to the gas station, the two got out. Getting a bunch of snacks and food, as their both rather hungry. Soon enough paying for their own foods, climbing back into the car later on. " Ready to leave? " Emerson asked. " Yup! I'm curious what type of place. " Gregoriah replied as Emerson started the car and drove back up on the main street. Eventually driving toward some park, Gregoriah looked a bit confused. The sun was slowly setting as Emerson turned off the car after he had parked. " Cmon. " Emerson said.

As the two got out the car holding onto their food and drink supplies, Gregoriah followed after Emerson, into the park ending up on a pretty grassfield with trees all around. You could perfectly see the sundown, Gregoriah mouthed a small 'woah' as Emerson sat down in the grass. Gregoriah sat down beside him.

" Yo it's pretty outhere. " Gregoriah said as Emerson smiled, opening up his package of a baked bread with bunch of greens and stuff on it. Like eggs, tomato, cheese etc. Gregoriah just digged into a bag of chips.

The two spended their evening together, laughs and smiles were being shared. Experiences about Reddy's and sometimes pieces of personal memories, as the stars already had formed in the sky. The light blue sky slowly had turned into a orangy dark blue color. Signing it was going to get dark very soon, Gregoriah yawned as he was laughing. " Oohhh dude I'm so glad I work at the jungle gyms part. " Gregoriah said. Slowly standing up, before speaking. " it's getting late, let's head home. " Gregoriah said, with Emerson agreeing.

And so they did, grabbing their garbage and throwing those out into the trashbin. As Emerson sat down in the drivers seat, he turned to Gregoriah. " Thanks by the way, for spending the evening with me. " Emerson said, genuine appreciation being in his voice. " No problems!! We gotta do this more often. " Gregoriah said, with a wide smile on his face. Only making his massive fangs pop more, Emerson started the car and drove to Gregoriahs house.

They said their goodbyes and so the both of them were home, after spending their time with each other. Gregoriah just flopped on his bed and fell asleep while Emerson showered before hand.

A/N : i need someone to do this with Please </3333

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