Chapter 2-Sunny

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It was the nicest school I had ever set foot in from the ivy covered walls to the stone gates lining the perimeter to the thick double doors at the entrance. It looked like something from a fairy tale.

I stepped into the main office and walked up to a chestnut desk where a woman-I'm assuming the receptionist- was sitting.

"Um, Excuse me" She looked up from her computer "Yes dear?" "I'm new and I was wondering where I could find a schedule or something?" She looked at me not unkindly, "Yes you must be Miss Braclay follow me please." she stood up and started walking down a hallway to her left, I followed probably looking a little like a lost puppy. "Right in here please" she chirped, stopping at a large door with a brass name plate reading, Dr. Birch, Head Administrator. The receptionist lady loudly rapped on the door until a shrill voice shouted, "Come in."

"Dr. Birch, this is a new student Skyelar Barclay." She then left, leaving me with the old and frail looking Dr. Birch. "Good morning Miss Barclay" she weezed "Please have a seat" I took my chances in one of the stiff looking leather seats in front of her desk.

"Welcome to Dayton academy."

Dr. Birch then told me all about Daytons numerous extracurricular activities, elective and AP courses and how there was very little lenience when it came to rules, specifically rules about skipping class and cheating. After she asked what I was interested in I told her, "Reading, Ballet and Piano" she suggested I take creative writing as an elective and try dance as extra curricular as I was arriving just in time for nutcracker auditions. I agreed and she printed a schedule for me then introduced me to Emerson Kitt, a girl taking many of the same classes as me and was to show me around.

"I'm so happy to finally meet you! I'm Emerson but everyone calls me Emi or sunny" she squealed the second we were out of Dr. Birch's hawk-like gaze. "Valerie has been telling us about a new kid for like 2 weeks and now you're finally here!" "Do you mind me asking but who is Valerie?" Emi looked at me and when grinned "Valerie Kim is the most bad-ass person you will ever meet and my best friend, although in my friend group everyone is friends" her words kept running. She had so much energy for it being 8am.

"Who else is in your friend group?" "Okay so for girls there is Valerie, Ava, me and I guess you now too if you like" she giggled blonde hair bouncing around her shoulders and she walked through a hallway to my new locker. "And for the boys there is Keegan, Xander, Theodore and Elias, but be warned Theodore is taken and Elias is kind of dumb so like avoid being into them if you can." She smiled as we stopped at my locker. number 112.

She told me to drop my backpack in there and just carry my binder and I complied as we continued our journey to Biology- which apparently Emi's whole 'friend group' had together- she talked a bunch about Dayton and cats. Emi seemed like a very sweet girl who would be a solid friend so I followed her into biology right as the warning bell rang, signaling everyone had 5 minutes until the start of class.

A man in probably his mid sixties came up to me after I stepped into the classroom side by side with Emi. She gave me an encouraging smile then rushed over to a duo of girls in the corner of the room, I'm assuming Ava and Valerie.

"Hello, are you new?" the man asked, he wore large glasses and a sweater vest. "Yes I'm Skyelar Barclay" I smiled. "Welcome to biology I'm Mr. Kitt, I see you walked in with my granddaughter so feel free to take a seat next to her." he smiled once more before returning to his desk. I made my way over to Emi once more and was instantly greeted by a very pretty girl with coffee coloured skin. "I'm Ava, It's very nice to meet you" she held out a manicured hand "Skyelar, but you can call me Skye and the same to you" I replied shaking it. "Has anyone ever told you your hot as fuck" A voice interrupted I turned to see an Asian girl looking back at me "VALERIE! You can't say that as for a first impression" Ava scolded I turned back towards Valerie, "No, but it's nice to meet you I'm Skye" 

A/N: If your wondering what the school uniform looks like

A/N: If your wondering what the school uniform looks like

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