Chapter 1 -The fall

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"What.the.fuck.Naomi." I seethed trying to keep my composer at the sight of my girlfriend half naked making out with Jack Davis.                                                                                                                 

"What's wrong " She cocks a perfectly sculpted eyebrow at me.

"I don't know. Maybe what's wrong is that you're hooking up with a guy at a party three days after you told me you loved me?" I'm done trying to be calm I'm so fucking angry.

"It's not a big deal baby," She pouts, "it was just words."

"Just words" I scoff "Naomi I told you about my mom. you know it isn't just words to me"

"Whatever" she went back to kissing Jack leaving me standing there shell shocked.

That was 2 months ago since then I have hooked up with no less than 12 girls, pushed myself extra hard at training and started a new job all to try to forget about Naomi. Key word, try.

I had been dating Naomi since the start of 9th grade. We had gone to every school dance together. I went to every single one of her volleyball games and bought her expensive perfume. I told her everything about my mom and how she left my dad. Sure sometimes it felt like I was doing everything in the relationship but I really thought we would last or at least I thought I wouldn't get cheated on. Wrong. That night after I got home I got a text from Jack.

                                           Jack Davis( the good right winger)


Hey Man I'm really sorry I didn't

Know you guys were dating. I backed off

After you left though man.

That's some really fucked up shit

You didn't deserve that Elias.                                                                                     


                                                                                                 All good man, thanks.

Was it all good? No. Jack sat on the bench for three whole games after that which would definitely impact him getting hockey scholarships for colleges. Not that he needed one; anyone who went to Dayton was either filthy rich or a genius and Jack Davis is no genius. I had texted Naomi asking to get back together a couple of times but after Keegan, Theodore and Xander found out they would pour the closest liquid to them on me whenever I brought up Naomi. One time that liquid was a bottle of cleaner. Haven't texted her since. 


"You look like shit" Keegan blurts as he, Theo and Xander sit down next to me in Biology. "Well aware" I muttered rolling my eyes at him and Xander. "Coach wanted me to stay late to work on shooting drills last night." I add "Imagine not playing defense, must be rough" Theo snorts. I swear that bastard enjoys my suffering.

"On the topic of suffering Valerie told me something interesting before class."Xander chirped. "What?" I groan, hitting my head on the lab desk. "I heard there is a new kid" he smiles like it's the best thing in the world

"Boy or girl?" Keegan asks

"Not sure Val didn't say"

"My money is on another rich football playing nepo baby" Theo scoffs

"Aren't you also a nepo baby?" Xander asks furrowing his eyebrows"


A/N: Kind of a short chapter just really wanted to get to Skyelars perspective. 

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