The Adventure begins.

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The hill isn't considered "Really Large" by any means. but the Trio are currently carrying heavy equipment and supplies, making the trip rather difficult. But regardless, The trip is essential for their survival, and the world's fate may be in their hands. 

The Hills were hard enough to traverse through with their heavy bags. to make it worse, now they have to go through miles of empty, dry, and dusty desert terrain. 

Christopher: "You gotta be fucking kidding me." 

Alex: "How many miles till we get there?" 

Sabrina: "Well,  The distance between Dr'Kareen's House and Thalassar is about 7000 Miles. So it'll probably take 3 months, at least... if there are no obstacles and if we walk straight with no rest time." 

Alex: "Oh..... How long have we been walking, again?"

Sabrina: "Fifteen days."

Alex: "Then that means-"

Christopher: "Two and a half months again, Hoo-Fucking-Ray!" The Knight whined.

Sabrina: "Ummm, Keep it together, you guys. We have to stay" She paused, getting into a pose "Optimistic!" She says for the sake of morale, which earned a few giggles from the mage, and a chuckle from the knight. 

Alex: "Haha ~, always overenergized, Sabrina."

Sabrina: "Yup! There's always a great outlook on life... Are you going to stay grumpy Chris?" 

Christopher: "Alright, I admit. you did give me a chuckle."

Sabrina: "Good boy! Alright, let's head out!" She says, pointing in the direction that they're going to.

They start off with an Optimistic and joyous mood, looking forward to completing the long walk ahead. Oh, if only they could know what awaits them.

Days have passed. Day and night, it was the same cycle. Walk for hours, drink occasionally, set up tents when it's dusk, start a bonfire for light, have a meal, talk for 2 hours, sleep, wake up, pack up, eat a bit, and go. Sure, they did see some interesting relics, artifacts, and ruins. but they aren't here for those. they are here to travel across the desert. and to say that they are tired is an understatement. 

Sabrina: "U-ugh. How... many.... days.... guys?" 

Alex: "I lost... t-track. I don't even know if we're heading in the right direction."

Christopher: "S-Sabrina? Why don't you summon your... Carriages... and horses?" 

Why didn't she think about that? Oh wait, I know why. It's because she hadn't learned yet. 

Sabrina: "Chris, you know I haven't learned the technique." 

Christopher: "Fuuuuck!" he says before stumbling. sure, he is the most physically oriented. but he also carries the most weight. 

Alex: "Chris, are you okay?" 

Christopher: "Yeah, Yeah... I'm fine... I just need to rest a bit...." He says, sitting down. 

Alex: "Yeah... that sounds good... Sabrina, Wait up!" 

Sabrina: "H-huh?" 

Alex: "Chris needs to sit for a moment...I think we all do." 

He's not wrong. they're all tired as shit. not to mention that Christopher's stamina is going off. To make it worse, apparently, sweating is non-existent in Aeterna. none of the residents here have evolved to sweat. so the only answer to short stamina is... well, magic. and even magic isn't infinite. it needs emotion and energy to run magic. oh, and only certain lucky individuals can do magic. so honestly, resting might be a good idea. 

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