New world, New life.

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She woke up to the sound of...cups, hitting the metal materials of a spoon.

Slowly, her eyes open. She notices the wooden ceiling and the torches put along the walls, with books and... bottles of unknown liquids lying around the tables that occupy this specific section of this building. It gave her the feeling of being in a fantasy world, one that you would find in books, both online and offline. it is, however, not as gloomy as Harry Potter, not as dark as Bloodborne, and it is even more lively light than the likes of Zelda and WLOP's Ghostblade comic.

Soft clothes... they're colored in black... just her type. but she did hope that it would be colored green since that's her favorite color. They cover her breasts and her Vagina, restricting view to Her private areas despite also revealing most of her body. well, at least it's better than nothing.

She got up from her sleeping position when she hears the sound of a door opening. In a fit of panic, she fell from her bed, producing a loud thud that the one entering could possibly hear.

???: "Easy there, I mean no harm..." The sound of an old lady said.

She looks toward the old lady. she seemed like she's in her 60s, with white long hair, a black robe with green streaks, and... a hat, a witch's hat. But there is another feature that the old woman has. A pair of Antlers on top of her head... that came out of holes in her hat that she probably made.

???: "Now, Now. No need to worry, Young one. I found you injured and unclothed in the forests, right behind a large orc. Good thing I scared it away, otherwise it would've done very bad things to you..."

Sabrina: "Where am I?" She asked, calming down a bit.

???: "Oh, you're inside of my house, in my brewery room, to be exact. this is where I brew my potions."

The explanation gave Sabrina a clearer reason for how she could summon that strange manifestation. She really did enter another world somehow... it did sadden her. Her mother, family, friends, bright career, Aletta... him... Now, she needs to start all the way from the number zero again.

Sabrina: "Your antlers..."

???: "Yes, what about them, dear?"

Sabrina: "Why... How did you have them?"

???: "The same way you do!"

Sabrina: "No, I mean... How... why? Humans aren't supposed to have... antlers, or an extra pair of ears."

???: "Humans? What are you talking about, young one? What are... Humans?"

So it appears that Humans never existed in this world. Perhaps there are other races.

Sabrina: "Humans! us, people! You... don't know what a human is?"

???: "No! I've never heard of such a race..."

Sabrina: "Ummm... What continent are we in? Europe? America? Asia?"

???: "Stop being so silly, Dear. there are no such things. We are in the Continent of Sanus, The world of Aeterna, in case you forgot..."

Sabrina: "Holy shit..."

???: "Hey, watch your tongue!"

Sabrina: "Umm, Ma'am? You might not believe me but... I'm not actually from this world..."


Farene: "A few more steps, Aletta."

The white haired girl struggled to climb up the tall mountain of the floating kingdom. How many meters are they now? 500? 700? It doesn't matter now. Too scary to look down, and too late to look back. Now, she just needs to climb up a few more steps and... she has finally made it to the top! She drops down to the ground, panting as the older Angel looked down at her.

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