The Sudden Invasion.

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Over the Horizon, a lone figure stands upon many armored creatures, all of their bodies covered in raging hot magma with their volcanic armor protecting them. Those creatures, both humanoid and non-humanoid, stood in ranks. their strongest and most armored standing at the front with their archers standing behind. Their numbers are in the thousands, ready to invade, raze, and convert the kingdom in front of them into the hellish landscape that which they were born in.

His advisor approaches the figure-a robed man without a face. Lord knows what is beneath those disgusting pieces of cloth.

???: "Oh, Emperor. Your army is prepared. Fanusan will fall, and Kalerian will be ours. Now, sire. Tell me your orders. I shall command my men to raze this disgusting kingdom." his advisor says.

The Figure, or the so-called Emperor....and yes, he's called "The Emperor" since his name is lost to time, smirked. He had spent years gathering his army. Every day, for nine consecutive years, he pillaged, raided, attacked, and converted many villages and a few small kingdoms and large settlements while also collecting slaves and mindless soldiers.

Usually, he converts a few random peasants by hollowing out their minds before replacing their brains with.... nevermind, It's basically some brain transplant type thing, but you can't revert the process... not that you actually can in a normal brain transplant. Still, this case is much more terrifying, and anesthetics aren't used.

But today, it finally came. he is going to take over and convert the entirety of the Fanusan kingdom. One of the largest kingdoms in the world, and the most culturally rich, too. He looked at his army that stood ready below him, his feeling of pride burning even hotter.

With the feeling of confidence and the lack of doubt, he raised his men, gesturing them to ready up before closing his fist.

When his fist closes, Hundreds of large fireballs fired from mobile trebuchets are launched toward the walls of the kingdom, with some aimed to land at the Kingdom's major defense bases.

The Emperor smiled as he watched the fireballs closing in on the target. this day will be marked as the day of his return. From the fifty-year slumber, he awakens... and the world shall bow down to him. one way, or another.


Sabrina: "Y'know. I have a theory. what if everybody on earth got transported here in a different time instead of just us?" she asks her friends as they all ate their meals at lunch.

Alex: "That would be crazy. but wouldn't it be different that what we are now?"

Sabrina: "Well, you're right... but maybe they decided that magic is good enough?"

As the two feminine figures chatted, The Soon-to-be knight looked over to the window, finding their conversation a bit boring. he saw the entire city from the installation. From buildings, to streets, to the black smoke coming from the walls.... wait, black smoke coming from the walls? That's not supposed to be there.

He slowly stood up from his seat, coming closer to the windows to get a better look. he notices the people are now scrambling towards every place that they deemed safe, even an empty barrel. The walls? they don't look so good. the walls are starting to crumble, flames engulfing some parts of the border. Then, he notices the fire balls. large round projectiles fired from a far. this isn't an accident. it is an attack.

Alex: "Chris? Baby, are you okay?" He asks in worry.

Suddenly, the instructor barged into the mess hall. a worried, panicked, and anxious face present on his head.

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