No. 37

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Mau stirred, a move which made the nerves of my body responded to my current predicament which resulted to my lack of oxygen due to the living object who keeps on fidgeting on top of me.

"Get off me..."

A bit disoriented Mau looked down on the girl beneath her " What?"

" I said get off me!!!"I said, pushing her at the same time.

"Oww...Oww...easy will you? I'm hurt!"

"How can I be easy when you're crushing me?"

"Was not!"

"Was too!" I sat up "Damn...Mau, you really need to go easy on the sugars next time."

"Why you...."

"Knock it off you two!"came Yhannie's voice. She was coughing and fanning the dusty air with her hands. "Everybody alright?"

Mau and I looked at each other, taking each of our wounds and shrugged like it was no big thing.

"Yeah...yeah...were good"

"Other than these marks.We'll live"

Yhannie approached us,offering her hands to pull us up from the floor. Wincing in pain and the occasional gasps. 

Why the hell did we gave her our not-so-good-arm? My shoulder hurts like hell!

Guess our sense of reason went out the window at the same time.

"Thanks" Mau said putting pressure on her wound. It was fairly deep.

"Come on, Lets take a look at that" I pull her towards the couch. "Sit"

"Let's check yours first"Mau insisted with a knotted forehead.

"I'm fine. Yours is what we need to check"

"Kim's right." Yhannie agreed.

"It's not fine. It's bleeding." Mau insisted. Typical of her.

"It's nothing compared to yours. Sit down and take a rest"


"The nurse said sit, so,you sit. Got it?" Yhannie eyed her planting a firm grip on her good shoulder and pushed her down. Did I mention deliberately?  

I See YouTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon