Chapter IX "Photo"

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Before any academic work, both sat on the couch to devour their meals, Yunjin seemed to enjoy watching Friends with Chaewon excessively.

Sakura had gone to see her parents, so she was safe from embarrassing interactions, although sooner or later, she would like to integrate Yunjin into her daily life.

Facing the cold, Chaewon brought a blanket large enough to share, and despite its length, the blonde moved closer to her enough so that their legs brushed against each other, and every time they looked at each other, the proximity betrayed the growing blush.

"That's it for now," Chaewon said at the end of episode thirteen, "otherwise, you'll have come to delay yourself even more with your work."

"But the best chapter is coming up!" Yunjin argued, still with her eyes on the screen.

"You said the same thing about the last one."

"Yes, but this one is the best of the best."

Chaewon smiled with amusement at the blonde's fanaticism; she liked that both could enjoy certain activities with the same magnitude.

"And what would be the best of the best, huh?"

"The one where everyone finds out."

"You're right, but after that, we have to study, okay?"

"Fine," Yunjin smiled satisfactorily, "will you study with me, Chaewon?"

"Not exactly," she corrected, feeling a bit embarrassed, "I want to look at the basics of the aptitude test."

"Are you considering it?" she asked, a particular spark noticeable in her eyes.

"Well, I'm not entirely sure, but... I have nothing to lose by taking the test, right? I don't have to apply with any obligation either."

Yunjin gave her a comforting smile, which sparked a feeling of pride in Chaewon, that, for the first time, she was starting to take control of her life, projecting a promising future.

They finished the episode and immediately started studying; of course, there were interruptions of laughter longer than the study itself, but the simple fact of trying to suppress the urge to laugh with Yunjin about anything to pay attention to the study, didn't seem like a waste of time to her, rather a beneficial moment in which she could fall in love a little more.

At certain moments, Chaewon's mind dissociated from her focus of study, and she began to repeat moments that Yunjin and she shared together, which caused smiles to emerge from her mouth.

After a few hours, Chaewon heard the door latch begin to open.

"Oh, it must be Sakura," she announced to Yunjin.

Despite her nervousness, she didn't let her roommate's arrival ruin the moment; after all, Sakura had always been very understanding and encouraging in the situation, so she had nothing to fear.

Indeed, the Japanese girl appeared behind that door, but she didn't come alone; Yena accompanied her with an outfit that betrayed having just gotten out of bed.

Both, upon seeing Yunjin's presence, changed their tired faces for an animated smile, which could only be interpreted as their strong desire to feed Chaewon's nerves and stay to chat without subtlety.

"Yunjin! My favorite girl, I lost sight of you last night," Yena began, grabbing a seat next to the aforementioned.

Yunjin laughed politely, well, Chaewon couldn't help but answer.

"You left us as soon as we arrived at the party, miss."

Yena raised her palms to the sides of her face, washing herself of all guilt.

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