Patience and Control

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"How did we get stuck with Obiwan and Anakin, I thought we both agreed to stay away from them."
Padmé watched half amused as Satine sat down on the couch arms crossed.
"They are the best and most trustworthy Jedis, we need help."
Was the only input she could offer, even as her chest tightened at the thought of seeing Anakin.
A week. That's how long she had been able to avoid him for, it had been horrendous and yet much needed. She's been able to focus on this task with Clovis. Even if she had found herself lonely in bed at nights when she knew Anakin was a short speeder ride away. It had been hard.
But at the same time she was furious with her husband.
Furious in the way he had acted towards Clovis, furious that he could not control his jealousy and had to bring it between them.
And the way he had glared at Clovis since the moment he was allowed in had only made her more certain in her descision that they should part- even if her heart was in agony, her head knew it was right.
"Is she okay."
"She's thinking, she's been doing that a lot in the past week."
Clovis's voice brought Padmé back to reality, right, they had a bit of time until Anakin and Obiwan returned.
"I'm sorry, I have a lot on my mind-"
A harsh knock on the door interrupted Padmé, causing all three politicians to turn and look at it.
"That was fast for them to send a Jedi."
Was Satines comment as Clovis walked to the door.
Padme didn't know why but something felt wrong, as the person on the otherside knocked again.
Clovis was looking at her expectingly.
"How do we know it's the Jedi Obiwan sent it could be anyone."
A smirk spread of Clovis's mouth.
"Come on Padmé don't you think your being overdramatic."
He turned to the door and yanked it open just as Padmé screamed
A faint clanking noise filled the room as a metal capsule was thrown in, the distinctive sound of heavy shoes on marble echoed down the hall way as the culprit fled.
Padmé barely had time to yell.
"Get down!"
Before an explosion filled the room and heavy white smoke obliterated all her senses.
Slowly, her airways got cut off, and soon Padmé was a sputtering mess as she attempted to heave in breaths.
The choked sounds of Clovis and Satine were the only noises evident, as the heavy white fog stayed prominate.
Feeling lightheaded, Padmes only thought was - get to the door-
As she slowly dragged her body across the floor, the door hadn't been closed properly, and with all her remaining energy, Padmé shoved the door open with her shoulder, before collapsing on the marble floor outside, white fog leaving the room behind her in a trail.

"Patience Anakin."
"Patience?! We left for 10 minutes and look what happened! Do not tell me to calm down."
Her chest was heavy, every breath of air being forced into her lungs.
"I'm not telling you to calm down I'm telling you to be patient- it's the Jedi way."
A soft consistent beeping sound came from her left, while the two male voices came from the right, one more panicked than the other.
"How could this have happened?! How could-"
Padmé opened her eyes, brightnesses blinding her as two blurry figures came into view.
"She's awake!"
The pitch of the voice, made Padmé wince.
"Hush Anakin, she's sensitive."
Slowly, the figures focused, one revealing a strawberry blond casual face and a handsome relieved face.
Padmé felt her heart squeeze at the look of pure relief on her husbands face, slowly, she lifted her arm- wanting to touch it when a sharp pain caused her to yelp.
It was Anakin, Obiwan had gone away from her view, hopefully to check on the others-
Panic reigned through Padmes body, as she looked at Anakin, her throat not working, she tried to sit up to see-
"Don't move!"
Anakin held her down, and in that moment she hated him for it- hated him for a lot of things- mostly for leaving them in that room to get attacked-
"Their okay, both of them- lay back down Padmé, please."
His voice broke on the last word, causing Padmé to slowly relax as she lay back down.
It was not a demand more like a plea, Anakins blue eyes filled with worry, and maybe regret? As he looked down at her.
"I will explain everything when you wake up- you will feel better as well."
And for some reason, Padmé obeyed him, maybe it was the brutal ache she felt in her whole body, or the realisation that Satine and Clovis were okay- but Padmé felt her heavy eyes close, and soon after darkness claimed her.

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