One dance

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Swarms of butterflies fluttered in Padmes stomach, as Anakins warm hands brought her closer. Couples all around them slow danced as an romantic song filled the atmosphere.
However, Padmé barely noticed any of it.
How could she with Anakin looking at her like that so intensely. Like she was the only one in the room, the only one that mattered.
Her hearts pace speeding with every second that their gazes locked, Padmé barely dared breath as Anakin spun her, his usually rough hands gentle with her like she was priceless.
Together they floated across the dance floor, everything and everyone else a blur, second to each other as they both stared, like they had never seen the other one before.
Too quickly, the music ended, they both let go, watching one another for a moment before everything seemed to appear again.
The steady pace of the next song, the scuffed sound of people moving. The chatter of guests from the sides of the dancing area-
Flushing, Padmé turned around, looking for Clovis.
"I should probably-"
"He's busy talking to someone else."
Anakin took her hand again, and lead her deeper onto the dance floor.
No one, Padmé realised, noticed, no one cared, not here on Scipio where she was just another politician, and he a stranger. They knew the name Anakin Skywalker, everyone did, but they did not know the face.
Here she realised, they could be themselves a little. It was nice.
Nice enough that she was willing to let the tension between them go for a while, at least long enough for another dance.
This time, Padmé didn't meet Anakins gaze, not that she could have if she had wanted to anyways, they moved fast with the beat of the music, breathing harder as they moved.
The song morphed into a slower one and as they danced Anakin finally spoke.
"You look like you dropped from heaven"
Padmés breath stopped as she whispered.
He stopped dancing, and placed a hand on her cheek shaking his head.
"No. You don't get it Padmè. How could you?"
Everyone danced around them too focused with their partners to notice Anakin and Padmé.
"I think about you all the time, when your here, when your miles away, it's maddening."
Sucking in a breath, Padmé took his hand off her cheek and squeezed it in hers.
"I love you too Anakin."
A war seemed to rage on in his head. Slowly he bowed his head and whispered in her ear.
"It makes me crazy when I see you with him."
Suddenly, all the butterflies, all the warmth in Padmé dissolved until she was stuck with nothing but an icy feeling.
Anakin kept talking.
"I don't trust him Padmé."
Staying calm Padmé put on a fake smile.
"So you have told me numerous times"
Anakin said nothing he just watched her.
But Padmé was done.
"Just as everything gets good again Anakin you ruin it. You can't let go of your jealousy."
A storm brewed behind Anakin's eyes, Padmé could see it, yet he remained perfectly still.
"You have to learn to control your jealousy"
She whispered.
"And what if I can't?"
The words were clipped.
"Then I think we should rethink our marriage."
Came her hushed replied, before pivoting on her feet and locating Clovis.
"What's wrong?"
Asked her colleague as she walked up to him.
"Nothing I am just tired."
Smiling, Clovis offered a hand.
"Allow me to follow you to your room."
Padmé did, she was aware of Anakins presence behind them, but when she allowed herself to look back at him, all she saw was a hollow look in his eyes.
She muttered.
He tilted his head to indicate he had heard.
"Is there another bed in your room?"
He nodded.
"Would you mind if I stayed their tonight - I am feeling not quite well and would like to be in presence of a friend"
Clovis's smile was wide.
"Of course."
He looked back to Anakin who was so stiff he could have been a robot.
"Don't take any offence Skywalker, you are a kind friend to her, I assume she just feels closer to me as I am always here, while you are away quite often on missions."
It happened so fast, Padmé barely saw it.
But one moment Clovis was smiling, the next he was on the floor, holding his nose, Anakin strutting to his room like nothing had happened and closed the door.
Gasping, Padmé kneeled down and offered her friend a hand.
"Clovis! Are you okay?!"
Grunting, Clovis took her hand and stood, his nose gushing blood.
"I'm fine- nothing a medical droid can't fix- I- what did I say?"
Shaking her head Padmé pursed her lips.
"Honestly I don't know. It's his missions away- I think they make him more aggressive-"
Clovis held up his hands.
"I don't blame him at all- after all the Jedi are the ones fighting on our front lines-"
Padmé shook her head.
"Even if that is the case he had no excuse-"
Again Clovis shook his head.
"Sometimes we can not control our feelings. I know I've wanted to punch someone whenever they've done something to you-"
Padmé frowned.
"But you didn't do-"
"I know"
Clovis cut in, smoothing out his shirt.
"But maybe Padmé, it was the fact that I said something that hurt his pride."
Padmé sucked in a breath.
"Me and him- him and I- we're not..."
Laughing Clovis started walking back from where they had come.
"Of course not Padmé, I know you too well, you'd never break a Jedi code. Skywalker on the other hand may feel a want to break it when around you."
Clovis was gone before Padme could offer to come with him.
His words hit her hard, was Anakins feelings for her so obvious? Did Obiwan know then? Did the Jedi-
It concerned her.
But what concerned her more was that her acting as if she did not feel the same was so convincing.
She hoped it wasn't to Anakin-
Who had just punched Clovis!
Taking in a deep breath, Padmé allowed herself a moment before barging into her husbands room.
"You better have a good reason Anakin!"
Anakin was sitting on the bed his back to her.
"He pissed me off"
Was the only reply she got.
Trying to remain calm Padmé glared at his back.
"It gave you no right to act like a jealous-"
"A jealous what?"
Turning Anakin's blue eyes pierced her as he inclined his head.
"Answer the question Padmé."
Frowning she crossed her arms.
"To Clovis it looked like you were jealous because you had feelings for me."
Shock didn't even grace Anakin's face as he kept his gaze on her.
"I assume you corrected him."
"I didn't have to he doesn't think there's anything between us."
Anakin turned away from her again.
His cold answers were like a short fuse, Padmé felt herself go red.
"Anakin you can't go around punching Clovis!"
"Like I said-"
"I know!"
She interjected.
"He pissed you off!"
Anakins back stiffened but he said nothing.
"But I feel like I'm repeating myself. You can't act in your jealousy anakin- learn to control it!"
"And if I refuse?"
The words were quite.
Padmé swallowed.
"I already told you-"
Anakin stood, turning to walk to her.
"What if I punch him again?"
Padmé fisted her palms.
"Will you?"
Shrugging Anakin watched her carefully.
"If he keeps annoying me probably."
The cold words hit her like a tidal wave.
"I don't know you anymore"
Was the only thing she whispered as she looked into his eyes. All she found was rage and jealousy, not hint of the Anakin she married.
"I am the man you married"
Padmé shook her head.
"Your not."
She saw him hesitate, saw the shock on his face-
"I think we should take a break from us."
Anakin seemed frozen as she continued.
"If this is all that comes out of our marriage, rage and jealousy over me working with a colleague. Then I don't want to be part of it"
He said her name with desperation but Padmé had already turned.
"If we are meant for each other we will find our way back to one another-"
She didn't look back as she left, not as she opened the door, Anakin was saying something but she couldn't hear.
Half way through the door she finally said.
"You should go back to Coruscant tomorrow, and from now on spend on your nights at the Jedi temple."
Then she closed the door, cutting off anything Anakin was about to say.
As a heavy feeling settled in her gut, Padmé walked to Clovis's room.
Clovis was there getting stitched up by a droid.
"Looks like I beat you here"
There was nothing but humour in his eyes despite just being punched in the face by Anakin.
Padmé winced as she got a better look at him.
"Does it hurt?"
Shaking his head, Clovis grinned.
"I'm completely numbed"
Offering him a smile Padmé sat down on the bed that would be hers.
"I have a list of suspects from tonight."
Was all she could think of to say.
Clovis turned serious. He motioned for the droid to leave, apparently being done with it.
As the door closed behind if he sat forward, his eyes intense.
"I do as well.."
Guilt noted itself in Padmes stomach.
"Do you feel bad suspecting these people?"
Clovis looked at her with nothing but shock.
"Padmé we're trying to win the war-"
"I know but-"
"What we're doing could save lives"
Having no response for that Padmé kept her mouth shut. However Clovis kept talking.
"I know your as committed to ending this war as I am. I've seen your hard work and dedication even when others haven't."
Padmé flushed, but he kept going.
"You are a strong capable women, with an iron will. And on top of that your are extremely beautiful-"
Eyes widening Padme muttered.
"I don't know what that has to do with anything-"
Clovis just smiled.
"You should be married by now or settling down, the only reason I know your still single is because you sacrifice everything for your people and everyone in the galaxy."
Anakins face flashed through Padmés mind, as did countless memories.
"Everyone overlooks you."
Clovis had somehow gravitied towards her and was now sitting next to her on her bed.
"But I don't, I see you Padme"
He stared at her with such intensity Padme had to look away.
"Your a good friend Clovis"
His answering smile was too wide for Padmes liking. Something unpleasant shifted in her gut as he walked back to his bed and sat down.
He said; bringing out a notebook.
"We should both compose a list of suspects to watch tomorrow."
Padmé nodded.
"We should probably inform Skywalker so he can keep on eye on them too during tomorrows function"
Clovis added, already scribbling.
Padmé swallowed the lump in her throat.
"Anakins leaving tomorrow morning. He got called back by the Jedi council, it was urgent"
The lie rolled too easily off Padmés tongue for her liking.
Clovis looked up.
"Oh that's unfortunate"
But he was smiling.
"It will just be you and me tomorrow as well as on our trip back to Coruscant"
Clovis's smile somehow widened as he said.
"I look forward to it:"
Before looking down at his notebook and scribbling again.
Padmé couldn't help but feel uneasy as she sat across from him, his smile still prominent despite the silence between them.

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