14. foam party

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3688 words


tyler sits in a circle around the coffee table in their living room, josh to his left and ryan to his right. he has a drink in hand, a spiked arizona tea to be specific, and a game of jenga sits on the table before them. it's about 9:30 pm and they've just started pregaming for the foam party.

they guys are dressed in swim trunks and t-shirts, and ashley and debby are in bikini tops and jean shorts. tyler plans on taking his shirt off once they're at the party, but he felt weird lounging around shirtless with josh in his presence. it wasn't said, but he assumes josh must feel the same way.

speaking of josh, he sits with an arm around tyler's shoulders, holding him close. their legs are sprawled across the carpeted floor, bare knees touching. tyler tries really hard to ignore the heat radiating from both his boyfriend and himself.

the game of jenga is one ashley has owned since last year. they had made it into a drinking game by taking a sharpie to each of the pieces and writing out drinking prompts. it's tyler's turn currently, so he sits up a little straighter and carefully pulls out a piece from the bottom.

"the girls and the gays," tyler reads, meticulously placing his piece back on top.

ashley groans as all six of them take a sip of their drink. "why did we even make that piece? we could have just put 'gays' and we'd all have to drink anyway."

"other people used to play with us," ryan says matter-of-factly.

"oh. right. your turn, josh."

josh's piece says two truths and a lie. "how's that work?"

"so," brendon explains, "you have to tell us two things that are true about you and one lie. whoever can't guess the lie right has to drink."

"oh, okay," josh pauses for a minute, pointing his gaze to the ceiling as he thinks. "okay, got it. i almost drowned when i was a kid, i lost my virginity to a girl, and i've never been outside of the country."

debby votes for drowning, ashley says his virginity, and the rest of them say he's definitely been outside of the country.

"debby was right," josh shrugged. "i mean, as far as i know i never almost drowned."

"man," tyler whines. he takes a drink, trying not to cringe at the thought of what josh's experience losing his virginity might have been like. his own experience wasn't great, but he can't imagine if it would've been with a girl instead of dallon.

"you've got to get out sometime, man," brendon says. "i can't believe you've never been to another country."

josh shrugs. "i've traveled to a lot of states, though."

"okay, okay, my turn," ashley butts in. she reads, "rock, paper, scissors."

she turns to debby, holding out her hands. "ready?"

they play three rounds, ashley winning the first and last. she cheers triumphantly, giggling as debby takes a sip of her drink.

"whatever, whatever," debby says, pulling her piece. she reads, "thunderstruck."

a collective groan rises from the group, causing josh to look at tyler in confusion. "what's that mean?"

tyler purses his lips. "y'know thunderstruck by ac/dc?"


"okay, so we put that song on and take turns drinking everytime he says 'thunder.' so, ashley starts on the first one, then stops on the next and debby takes over, then it goes to brendon, and so on."

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