13. little baby syndrome

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2574 words

tyler sits at the gym desk, chin resting in his hand as he scrolls through twitter in boredom. he wasn't able to fall asleep last night and is definitely suffering the consequences. he's been tired all day and is constantly fighting the urge to just let his eyes close so he can succumb to dreamland. skipping lunch to take a nap was a consideration, but josh told him he had to eat and that he could nap after work.

so, here he is now, struggling to keep his heavy eyes open and failing miserably. he tried doing homework to busy himself, but reading the dull words on the dimly lit screen only made it worse. the only thing motivating him at the moment is knowing that josh is coming soon.

the two of them had spent the entire weekend together. tyler was in little space for nearly the entire time, no longer needing to force himself to stay big since it wasn't a secret anymore. as the weekend went by, tyler could tell josh was getting more comfortable and confident in his caretaking abilities. he even came up with a bunch of cute pet names that made tyler giggle.

it's getting harder to ignore just how strong tyler's feelings for him are. tyler isn't somebody to just throw the "l word" around all willy-nilly. at least... not big tyler. he did have to catch himself several times from letting the word slip out while in little space. little tyler loves everyone and everything! it's not really a big deal, but that word is a whole lot different when it's directed at josh versus his friends.

speaking of, the brunette perks up slightly at the sight of wild curls approaching him. josh grins, teeth peeking from behind his sculpted lips. "hi, baby."

"hi," tyler squeaks, finding it impossible not to smile back.

"how are you feeling?" he extends a hand, and tyler doesn't hesitate to take it in his own.

"so tired."

"only a couple more hours though, yeah? and then you can take a nap."

tyler's head tilts to the sky as he whines. "i can't wait that long. i'm falling asleep. i could fall asleep right here just like this. i don't understand why i couldn't just fall asleep last night."

"i think i know," josh says, continuing when tyler urges him on, "i think you might just be a little baby, or something. you suffer from little baby syndrome."

"you know, i think you're right," tyler agrees between the sounds of their laughter. "that's definitely why."

"see? i know things."

"i never said you didn't."

"well," josh switches the direction of the conversation, "why don't you just work on your homework? that'll keep you awake."

"i tried," tyler groans. "it was super boring so it just put me to sleep. like, it actually hurt my brain to try to pay attention to what i was reading."

"really?" josh raises an eyebrow.

"really!" tyler urges. "i'm not kidding."

"i think you might be kidding."

"no i'm not," tyler shakes his head in denial, knowing he's definitely overexaggerating. josh gives him a look, causing the boy to roll his eyes. "okay, maybe i'm kidding a little."

"what time is it?" josh glances at his watch. "you get off at five, right? you literally only have an hour and half to go."

tyler groans. "so long."

"here's what's gonna happen, okay?"

that piques tyler's interest, causing him to sit up a bit straighter. "yeah?"

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