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I frowned at the knife in my hand, and then at the chopped meat on my plate. I knew that Alex and Connor would not have killed the pigs if they had had a choice, but we had to eat, and Dad said that it was the only way.

I don't understand why we can't be more serious about the crops. If we were, we wouldn't have to rely so heavily on the animals. Dad says that the climate is not right. I don't believe that for a second, but I know better than to argue.

That is the only thing keeping me from going vegetarian. I hate to hurt the animals. I hardly even enjoy the taste of meat. I want so badly to stand in the public eye and advocate for animals, and for our planet. Dad used to encourage me to always follow my dreams. Then Mom died... and everything changed.

Cooking and cleaning. That was what I was good for. The boys worked in the hot sun, feeding the pigs, milking the cows. I stayed inside and prepared for the next meal. It was certainly not a system that satisfied me in the slightest.

I knew fair well that I would be much better with the livestock than my brothers, but that was not a convincing argument in my father's eyes.

I did not appreciate being confined to "girly" things, simply because I'm, well, a girl. That sort of thing should not matter in the 21st century. I can be just as strong as my brothers. I know I can.

I was not paying any attention to my father as he gave us our chores for the evening. His stern voice echoed through the dining room as he gave Connor and Alex strict rules to follow as they corralled the horses. I wished that I had something cool to do, like exercise the horses or feed the pigs. I knew, however, that my chores would be the same as always. Clean the dishes, then clean the house.

I returned from my thoughts as I noticed the boys standing up to go and complete their evening chores, while my father read a newspaper at the table. I was decently sure it was an old newspaper, from when people still had newspapers delivered to their doorstep.

So, very old.

I circled the table, collecting all of the empty plates, placing my still full one under the table for our dog to find later.

As I stood washing dishes at the sink, I caught a glimpse of my brothers. They seemed to be trying their best to ride the horses, but it was not going well for them. They had not brought the leads to control them, which is a mistake only my brothers could make, and they clearly did not know how to buckle a saddle. Alex was chasing three horses at once, trying to calm them down. I found it silly that Alex thought he could catch a horse on foot. That was Alex. Connor was on the back of Friday, clinging to the horse's mane for dear life.

I smiled at their struggle, then frowned for the good of the horses. I glanced back at my father, who seemed to be very focused on his newspaper, before darting towards the door.

I ran through the barn to grab the leads for the horses, before approaching my brothers cautiously and calmly.

Upon seeing me, Alex stupidly ran closer, screaming my name, the horses seemingly decided to chase him instead, one of them being Friday, Connor still on his back.

With little time to think, I threw my hands out in front of me, "Woah Friday" I said in a loud, demanding voice. I turned my head to the side, my eyes closed tight, muscles tense, prepared for impact.

But, to my surprise and Connor's relief, the impact never came. Instead, the horses had obeyed my command, and had stopped feet from where my hand was still outstretched.

"Good boy!" I smiled, slowly moving closer to the four horses gathered around me. I carefully threw a lead around each of their necks, holding it tight in one hand while I helped Connor dismount.

The boys watched in astonishment and relief as I carefully led the horses into the overnight corral, untacking and releasing them one by one.

"You have to teach us how to do that!" Connor exclaimed, still visibly shaking from his unexpected ride.

"Maybe later," I said, nervously glancing at the kitchen window.

Alex beamed as if he had done the whole thing himself, but his smile faded as he heard an all too familiar voice, hard and strict, coming from behind him.

I had just saved both of my brothers from a lot of shame, a lot of lost horses, and a lot of broken bones, but my dad did not care. He was more mad about the fact that I was outside with the animals instead of inside doing dishes. I would undoubtedly get a talking-to for that. I wasn't scared though. He would make me promise to stay in my place. I would, and then I'd be on my way.

I was not prepared to be punished like I was.


Author's Note

Hi everybody! I hope you guys are enjoying my story so far. Sorry if it is not good, I try my best. I will try to update as much as possible, especially because of spring break, but sorry if updates are slow. I don't know yet, but I will likely come up with a consistent update schedule when school comes back around.

Okay, I think that's all. Again, I am not the best writer or storyteller, but I thought that this would be a good way to practice, so sorry if it is cringe. You do not have to enjoy it, but all I ask of you is to be nice. I am open to suggestions and thanks again for reading :)

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