Chapter Three

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A special thank you/shout out to @edenlyte for being my lovely editor and soundboard!


1 October 2007

He didn't want to go to school.

He didn't want to go to school.

He didn't want to go to school.

But there he was, standing in the doorway of class 1-A.

"Breathe, Yuu. You'll be fine." Tamaki had risked being late to his class in order to show Yuu to the classroom; the least he could do was pretend it was easy. The elder of the two pulled the dark-haired teen into a tight hug. It didn't help his steadily raising anxiety, but for Tamaki's sake, he pretended it was calming. "Honey-sempai and Mori-sempai both have brothers in this class, so you won't entirely be alone," the blond added in what was meant to be a reassuring tone.

"Remember." The blond pulled away. "Right after school, meet me in Music Room Three."

Yuu shook his head in reply. "Yeah, whatever."

"Now go." He nudged the younger forward. "It'll be fine."

The dark-haired teen nodded. "Righ-right." He was beginning to stutter, his hand beginning to fidget with the hem of the periwinkle blazer to his school uniform---a uniform was new to him; his old school back in France didn't require one. He could feel his heartbeat speed up as his breath quickened slightly.

Not again.

The anxiety was still rising; he could feel it.

He could do this.

Taking a deep breath in through his nose, Yuu released a quick sigh. "Okay."

"Hey, Souh-sempai!" The sudden sound of a new voice yelling from down the hall. It wasn't long before Yuu could get a clear glance at him. He was fairly tall, approximately six foot. Standing next to Tamaki, they were about the same height. His hair was black and spiked all over the place and his deep onyx eyes held a grin prominently on his lips.

Tamaki acknowledged the newcomer before Yuu could even think of anything to say. "Hello, Satoshi-kun. Running a little late, I see."

"Just a little." The new teen---Satoshi, as Tamaki said---shrugged it off with a whole-hearted laugh. "Yasuchika left me behind today. So loyal of him, don't ya think?"

"That sounds like Chika," the blond chuckled.

Yuu didn't really feel like joining the conversation. He didn't know this kid, even though Tamaki did. He couldn't help but avoid looking at him, feeling awkward and unsure of how to react to the newcomer. It wasn't until Satoshi said his name that Yuu felt obligated to meet his onyx gaze.

"You must be Sempai's brother. Yuukou-san, correct?" Curiosity shined bright in Satoshi's eyes. "Taka told me a thing or two about you, but he told me to play nice and look out for you since you're transferring into my class and all."

"Uh..." He couldn't think of anything to say. "Hi."

"Hi!" Satoshi beamed.

Yuu glanced at Tamaki, almost like a plea for help.

The blond didn't exactly notice as he introduced the two first-years. "Yuu, this is Morinozuka Satoshi, Mori-sempai's little brother." He gestured towards the newcomer before doing the same with his brother. "Satoshi, this is Suoh Yuukou---"

Yuu cut the elder off. "de Grantaine."

Tamaki glanced at Yuu for a moment, caught off guard. He then smiled and said, "Sorry, Yuu."

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