Chapter Two

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28 September 2007

"What the fucking shit?"

Yuu's personal bathroom was nothing special, aside from the fact that it was literally half the square footage of his bedroom, had both an extremely over-sized shower and a bathtub the size of a large hot tub, a vanity big enough to have two full-sized sinks with more room than he could imagine, the most beautiful (and extremely expensive-looking) toilet he'd ever seen. There wasn't a spot in the room---no dust, grime, mildew, stains anywhere. It was the kind of bathroom that would make his clean-freak friend, Fletcher, proud.

"Fletch, you'd fucking love this place, dude..." He hadn't gotten over the initial awe of this being his bathroom.

The theme was gray, which was okay with him. Gray happened to be one of his favorite colors. The walls were a calming blue-gray and the tiled floor was darker, more like slate. The accenting items were a tarnished shade, not too dark to overpower anything, they were just the right hue to make everything flow. Even the towels were a dark gray.

There were a few boxes marked "bathroom" sitting on the floor beside the sink.

He started with the first box. Shampoo, conditioner, soap, sensitive skin body wash... all the simple bathroom supplies.

He moved onto the second box after putting everything in its new home. It was full of more random stuff, like the dirty clothes from the day before that he'd put in the box because it still had space in it and the pajama pants he'd slept in two nights before. He threw them in the laundry hamper, shrugging them off. There were a few items left in the box; some medicine bottles, a couple of other hygienic products, and a package of razors.

After everything was put away, Yuu walked over to the bathtub.

Unpacking everything could sure make a guy feel icky and sweaty. A relaxing bath really did sound good at the moment.

He stripped off his graphic tee---only to remember he needed a change of clothes. Walking out to his bathroom, he headed back into the walk-in closet to grab a pair of sweatpants and a random t-shirt.

There was a knocking sound on his bedroom door. Yuu sighed. "Come in," he said in a dreaded tone.

Tamaki poked his head in, saying, "Just seeing how you're settling in." He opened the door fully, allowing his brother to see the sweats and t-shirt he was in. "You doing alright?" Yuu nodded and Tamaki continued. "Do you need anything?"

Thinking for a moment, he decided his room felt empty. After all, it was rather bland. "Can we go to the store tomorrow?" he asked.

A smile plastered on Tamaki's face almost instantly. "Shopping with mon frère cadet?! Oh, I can't wait! We can go to the department store---it's a place where commoners go shopping at and it's really cheap! Can I bring mes amies? We can make a club activity out of it! Oh, you'll love everyone---!"

This! Guy! Liked! Exclamation! Marks!

"---The club is a great place! Oh! Je sais! You can join the club! It's lots of fun and can spend more time together that way---!"

Yuu shut the bathroom door on him, locking it quickly, and released a sigh he wasn't aware he was holding in.

Tamaki talked a lot; just as much as he remembered.

There was a knock on the bathroom door. "Oh, I came in here to tell you the dinner is in an hour!"

"Alright," Yuu called back.

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