Will You Be My Girlfriend?

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Chres, Tyrone and Kayla have been driving around until Tyrone was starting to get hungry.

Tyrone:"Chres I'm hungry man"

Chres:"Alright where you wanna eat at"

Tyrone:"I want some Chipotle"

Chres:"You want Chipotle too Kay?"

Kayla:"Sure why not"

Chres drove to Chipotle, they ordered their food and sat down and began eating

Tyrone:"I'm going to the bathroom brb"

Tyrone got up and went to the bathroom while Chres and Kayla was still eating

Chres:"Kay can I ask you something"

Kayla:"Sure what is it" she said taking a bite out of her burrito

Chres:"Um did I make you uncomfortable last night you know like when we were texting"

Kayla:"Kind but it's ok I'm over it"

Chres:"Oh I'm sorry but I wanna ask you something else"

Kayla:"Go ahead"

Chres:"Look Kayla Ik we just met yesterday but I really really like you, the first Time I saw you I liked you, I like the way you smile, laugh, everything, I just wanted to know will you be my girlfriend?

Kayla:"Awww Chres of course I will, but you gotta promise to not break my heart, I'm serious Chres"

Chres:"Bae don't worry, I'm gonna treat you right"

Kayla:"alright I'm trusting you"

Chres:"Ik baby"

They started talking and eating. Then Tyrone came out the bathroom.

Chres:"Y'all ready"


They grabbed their left overs and left chipotle

Kayla:"Um Chres I gotta go home to unpack"


They drove to Chres house (They live next door so)

Kayla:"I'll text you tonight ok babe"

Chres:"Alright Love you😘"

Kayla:"I Love you too baby😘"

They kissed and Kayla went inside the house

Theresa:"Hey honey"

Kayla:"Hi mom"

Theresa:"Did you have fun"

Kayla:"Yea I did but I already ate and as soon as I'm done eating I'm going to bed"

Theresa:"Ok honey"

Kayla walked upstairs to her room and started to unpack, while she was packing she had got a text message from Chres

❤️😍KayBae😍❤️:Hey baby, are you still unpacking?

💦💕ChresBaby💕💦:Yea why?

❤️😍KayBae😍❤️:I just wanted to see if you wanna chill tomorrow

💦💕ChresBaby💕💦:Sure that's cool

❤️😍KayBae😍❤️:Alright babe Ima let you finish packing

💦💕ChresBaby💕💦: Ok I love you baby 😘😘

❤️😍KayBae😍❤️:I love you too Bae 😘😻

Kayla finished unpacking and went to sleep

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