Dinner With The Augusts

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Me:"So Kayla tell me about yourself" I said sitting on my bed

Kayla:"Well um I'm 17, my full name is Kayla Maria Johnson, I just moved here from NYC, my fav colors are all neon colors and that's it so tell me about you"

Me:"Well my Name is Chresanto August but Chres or Santo for short doesn't matter, my favorite colors are blue and black, I have a little 9 year old brother named Tyrone and that's it"

Kayla:"What school do you go to?"

Me:"Western High School"

Kayla:"Oh, my mom said I'm going there"

Me:"Oh that's cool"

Kayla:"Well at least I will know someone" she said giggling

Her giggle was so adorable😍☺️

Kayla:"Thanks" she said giggling again

Me:"Wait what😕"

Kayla:"You think out loud"

Me:"Oh my bad"

Kayla:"It's cool"

Kayla's POV

I know I just met him but I think I'm falling so damn hard for this guy😍😍His eyes make me melt, his plump lips make me weak, and his scent makes my O LAWD JESUS😍😍💦💦.

Chres:"So Kayla I was wondering if you want to hang out tomorrow and I can show you around Cali"

(P.S. It's Friday)

Me:"Sure that would be great, um my number is 904-557-7901"

Chres:"Alright got it, I'm gonna save your name as KaylaPoo"

I laughed

Me:"KaylaPoo really"

Chres:"Yep it sounds cute, just like you"

I blushed

Me:"Thanks, and I'm gonna save your name as ChressyPoo then"

We both laughed

Me and Chres was still getting to know each other until I heard his mom call us

Jane:"Chres, Kayla dinner is ready"

We both went downstairs and sat at the dinner table

Jane:"Alright Chres say the grace please"

Chres:"I did it last time it's Tyrone's turn"

Tyrone:"No it's not, stop lying"

Chres:"Boy I did it yesterday night so it's yo turn"

Jane:"Stop arguing Tyrone just say the grace"

Tyrone:"Ughhh fine"

We all held hands and bowed our heads

Tyrone:"Thank you, Lord, for the food we are about to receive, and for the nourishment to our bodies. For Christ's sake, Amen."

We all said Amen and began eating.

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